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Summer 2024 – Design Art Technology at ArtEZ

6 hours ago

Get full content RSS Feed Five students from the Design Art Technology (DAT) department at ArtEZ share their final semester research projects. DAT is a four year BA that helps students develop their own voice in a complex and technological world and find their place in (or in-between) the fields of ...

The surprising evolutionary link between bowerbirds and human art

7 hours ago

Sexual selection may explain the start of art. As [Charles] Darwin put it in The Descent of Man: “The playing passages of bower-birds are tastefully ornamented with gaily-coloured objects; and this shews that they must receive some kind of pleasure from the sight of such things.” The satin and great...

And Oh, About That Thing

8 hours ago

Sometimes, it’s enough to stand up on your own two feet. And sometimes, it’s enough to take a walk and get away for a while, just to see the world from a different point of view.I think it’s important to change our perspective and update our thinking, so we can grow. I can think of […]

How to Create a Character for Our (or Any Other) Unjust Time

12 hours ago

Honestly, who cares about books at a time like this? Not that you need me to enumerate the ways in which the human enterprise has gone completely off the rails of late, but for the purpose of establishing a who-gives-a-crap-about-books baseline, I offer an incomplete roundup of where we find ourselv...

I’ve tried so many systems to get more done

1 day ago

I’ve tried so many creative systems to make myself work faster. Again and again, I have found that pushing myself simply steals from the future. Every time I push too hard and cut back down to a sustainable pace, I’m tempted to test my boundaries, to add just a little more, a little more, a […]


Week Away

2 days ago

I went away last week. 5 nights in Gran Canaria. We went to a huge hotel, ate loads of buffet food and sat by the pool. AND we watched a lot of sunsets from the bar... The post Week Away appeared first on thejaymo.

Low Roads to High Places

2 days ago

How desirable futures do come about, but usually in the worst possible ways

Joy & Curiosity #32

2 days ago

Interesting & joyful things from the previous week