Digital Crossroads

Making the Web a little more open - one story at a time.

Digital Crossroads is a mishmash of the coolest updates, deep dives, and quirky insights from across the digital realm. We cover topics like RSS, the Fediverse, and the latest and greatest in the world of social media. Crossroads is for anyone who's ever been curious about the behind-the-scenes of the Internet, the future of online privacy, or just loves a good tech tale.

Cal Newport changed my life

2 days ago

This week’s email is about Dr. Cal Newport: Full-time professor at Georgetown University Author of multiple best-selling books Has ZERO social media He also has a new book called ‘Slow Productivity’ about how to accomplish more (without burning out). It’s helping me think about sustainability and su...

Switching PeerTube instances

2 days ago

The Fediverse usually makes it fairly easy to move your account around, here's how I moved my videos from one provider to another.… Continue reading Switching PeerTube instances →

Drop #505 (2024-07-25): Toss Up Thursday

2 days ago

Today's Drop discusses Zed remote development/editing, now available for all users, a Go module and CLI tool for Open Graph tags, and Itsy Gitsy, a Rust-tool that generates static websites from Git repositories with customizable templates for various output formats.

NeoDB is a Review System for Culture

3 days ago

NeoDB is a review system with some remarkable tricks up its sleeve, and may provide a way forward for decentralized content discovery. The post NeoDB is a Review System for Culture appeared first on We Distribute.

Rot Economics - An Interview With MIT's Daron Acemoglu

3 days ago

Want to listen to this interview instead? Download the latest episode of Better Offline! You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere else you can insert an RSS feed. Last week, I had the privilege of interviewing Daron Acemoglu — one of the world’s most

Navigating the new web accessibility ruling in the U.S.

4 days ago

This blog post provides information about accessibility laws and regulations, but is not legal advice. You should consult a lawyer for advice on specific legal issues or questions. The U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) publication of its final ruling on website accessibility for state and local gov...

This week's notable links

5 days ago

This is my regular digest of links and media I found notable over the last week. It's a shorter email because of illness. Luckily, nothing much happened over the last seven days. Did I miss something? Let me know! Can J.D. Vance's Populist Crusade Succeed? [ Matt Stoller ] "So what does Vance think?...

Producing Slop

5 days ago

For the past few weeks, I’ve been producing slop. Not because I want to. Merely because everyone tells me I must in order to succeed on the internet. Content slop is a strange term, but it describes the mass-produced, often AI-generated, surface-level content that constitutes a large portion of the ...

How PR firms are trading their authority for a quick buck

5 days ago

As a responsible consumer, If you want to buy a product or service, where do you do your research? You might ask your friends and family, or check TikTok and Twitter. However, if you're like the majority of people, you'll likely look to a search engine first. As you should, right? Google is, for the...

Featured Furries

6 days ago

Can’t get enough of blog posts written by furries? This post aims to curate some of the other blogs written by furries that are worth sharing with my regular readers. Many (but not all) of these furry blogs are focused on technology in some way. Background Information Many years ago, I wrote a post ...

Two new must-have Android apps

6 days ago

Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 46, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome, hope you like silly gadgets, and also you can read all the old editions at the Installer homepage.) This week, I’ve been writing about Apple betas and AR gadgets, reading...

Hugo Mercier says we’ve been misinformed about misinformation

7 days ago

One day, a well-dressed stranger approached Hugo Mercier as he was walking back from university. The stranger told Mercier he was a doctor running late for an urgent appointment, but had forgotten his wallet at home and desperately needed 20 euros for a taxi. Mercier gave the doctor the money in exc...

Retro Reblog

8 days ago

An old post from my early days of blogging, and my first Winter in Norfolk. As you can see, hardly anyone read my blog back then!

Should you give up social media?

9 days ago

In a recent post, Kev used the magic words to summon me and make me write something on this site: he talked about social media, mentioned me, and posed a question. Rather than focusing on the could/should/would why don’t we focus on the actual product and figure out what is that we’re getting out of...