Hacker News Front Page

Stories from the Hacker News front page worth reading.

Hacker News is the golden standard when it comes to sharing interesting links on the Internet. However, not all of those are read-worthy. We decided to do something about it. This page contains a selection of articles that hit the front page of Hacker News and are worth your reading time and attention.

The Gang of Four is wrong and you don't understand delegation (2012)

1 day ago

Jim Gay July 6, 2012 The Gang of Four is wrong and you don't understand delegation Jim Gay July 6, 2012 The Gang of Four got it wrong. Ruby's standard library has it wrong. Rails has it wrong. Is it still wrong if everyone is doing it? Yes. The Gang of Four book Design Patterns gives us common vocab...

Why Is It Lovely

1 day ago

Why Is It Lovely Recent changes Table of contents Links to this page FRONT PAGE / INDEX

The Blood on the Keyboard

2 days ago

The history of ivory-topped piano keys and the invisible human suffering caused by our cultural commodities.

The Ethics of Spreading Life in the Cosmos

2 days ago

The Ethics of Spreading Life in the Cosmos by Paul Gilster | Mar 25, 2025 | Astrobiology and SETI | 10 comments We keep trying to extend our reach into the heavens, but the idea of panspermia is that the heavens are actually responsible for us. Which is to say, that at least the precursor materials ...

What Killed Innovation?

2 days ago

Over the past decade, interactive data visualization has gone from bold experimentation to polished, predictable formats. I’ve been reflecting on why—and after speaking with some of the best in the field, I have some theories. Here’s a look at what shaped the last 10 years and where we might be head...

Status as a Service (2019)

2 days ago

Editor's Note 1 : I have no editor. Editor’s Note 2 : I would like to assure new subscribers to this blog that most my posts are not as long as this one. Or as long as my previous one . My long break from posting here means that this piece is a collection of what would’ve normally been a series

Post Apocalyptic Computing

2 days ago

Post Apocalyptic Computing 12 min read Mar 23, 2025 Support this website by purchasing prints of my photographs! Check them out here. We live in a world of planned obsolescence. You'd be hard pressed to find a consumer-grade technology manufactured today that will still be working in 10 years. The m...

I won't connect my dishwasher to your cloud

3 days ago

March 24, 2025 This weekend I had to buy a new dishwasher because our old GE died. I bought a Bosch 500 series because that's what Consumer Reports recommended, and more importantly, I could find one in stock. After my dad and I got it installed, I went to run a rinse cycle, only to find that that, ...

The Software Engineering Identity Crisis

4 days ago

Many of us became software engineers because we found our identity in building things. Not managing things. Not overseeing things. Building things. With our own hands, our own minds, our own code. But that identity is being challenged. AI coding assistants aren’t just changing how we write software ...

The Vectrex Computer

5 days ago

Forum Software Games Search Skip to content Forum Software Games Register Login Forum Software Games Board index Off-Topic Non-Commodore Scenes Unanswered topics Active topics The Vectrex Computer Post Reply 1 post • Page 1 of 1 intric8 Seattle, WA, USA YouTube Posted Sat Mar 22, 2025 2:57 pm If you...

The Ugly Truth About the Education System You Were Never Told

5 days ago

top of page THE SOUL JAM ARCHIVES BEST ARTICLES ABOUT ME More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The Ugly Truth About The Education System You Were Never Told “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of minds to think .” Albert Einstein Ever since I’ve gotten deeper into sp...

Don't compete

5 days ago

The Internet is full of people winning all the time. Someone is traveling to exotic locations, someone else is raising funds, and another person is winning awards. Essentially, everyone around you is succeeding while you do spend your days as the nature intended – sleeping, eating, smiling, chatting...

The struggle that made us in Waterloo

5 days ago

I can feel uncertainty looming over the software industry as the hiring frenzy of the COVID era has given way to layoffs and hiring freezes. The power transf...

I want a good parallel computer

6 days ago

The GPU in your computer is about 10 to 100 times more powerful than the CPU, depending on workload. For real-time graphics rendering and machine learning, you are enjoying that power, and doing those workloads on a CPU is not viable. Why aren’t we exploiting that power for other workloads? What pre...

DNA evidence says first Americans came from Asia

7 days ago

DNA EVIDENCE SAYS FIRST AMERICANS CAME FROM ASIA Beringia in the Ice Age Natives Americans are believed to have descended from Asian people who arrived in North America via the Bering Strait. The DNA of ancient American bog people is closer to the Japanese than Americans. Glenn Hodges wrote in Natio...

The Front End Treadmill

7 days ago

A lot of frontend teams are very convinced that rewriting their frontend will lead to the promised land. And I am the bearer of bad tidings. If you are building a product that you hope has longevity, your frontend framework is the least interesting technical decision for you to make. And all of the ...

The Model Is the Product

9 days ago

There were a lot of speculation over the past years about what the next cycle of AI development could be. Agents? Reasoners? Actual multimodality?

The Best Size of a Laptop

10 days ago

17 years ago, Steve Jobs stood on stage with a manila envelope in his hand and pulled out a laptop. At that time, mini-laptops called netbook were very popular, and the first Macbook Air had far superior features in every way. I had a Lenovo IdeaPad S10e. If I remember correctly, the screen resoluti...

Leprechauns of Software Engineering

10 days ago

“Everything everyone knows about anything indicates that this is untrue,” – Laurent Bossavit The words science and engineering are often used when discussing computers and software. The…

Teach, Don't Tell (2013)

11 days ago

Teach, Don't Tell Posted on September 3rd, 2013. This post is about writing technical documentation. More specifically: it's about writing documentation for programming languages and libraries. I love reading great documentation. When I have a question and the documentations explains the answer almo...

Breaking Up with On-Call

11 days ago

This article is about why on-call in it's current state in big-tech is flawed, or how to properly develop software.

The Tyranny of Work or Why Are We Still Measured by Our Productivity?

13 days ago

The idea that work is a moral duty rather than a means of survival is so deeply ingrained we rarely question it. But as technology advances and work becomes more precarious, exhausting, and intrusive, it is worth asking why productivity remains the measure of a person’s worth.

Stoicism's Appeal to the Rich and Powerful (2019)

13 days ago

Stoicism’s Appeal to the Rich and Powerful Posted by exurbe on March 27, 2019 History 41 Cicero, one of our major sources for stoic thought. I was recently interviewed for a piece in the Times on why the philosophy of stoicism has become very popular in the Silicon Valley tech crowd. Only a sliver o...

Finding Signal in the Noise: Machine Learning and the Markets (Jane Street)

13 days ago

Listen in on Jane Street’s Ron Minsky as he has conversations with engineers working on everything from clock synchronization to reliable multicast, build systems to reconfigurable hardware. Get a peek at how Jane Street approaches problems, and how those ideas relate to tech more broadly.

The Church FAQ

13 days ago

A few years ago, we bought a church building. Since then, every time I mention it online and/or on social media, someone always responds, “wait, you bought a church, what” and then asks…

Why "Normal" Engineers Are the Key to Great Teams

14 days ago

Software engineer Charity Majors challenges the "10x engineer" myth, arguing that true productivity lies in team performance, not individual brilliance. She encourages building workplaces where "normal" engineers can thrive. Are we focusing too much on hiring "the best" instead of the right people?

History of Maths for Beginners

14 days ago

In the comments on my recent post on books on the history of maths Fernando Q. Gouvêa jumped in to draw attention to the book Math Through the Ages: A Gentle History for Teachers and Othe…

People are just as bad as my LLMs

17 days ago

Last year I created a fun little experiment where I asked a bunch of LLMs to rank 97 hackernews users using their comment history based on whether they would be good candidates for the role of “software engineer at google”. (you can read part 1 and part 2 but they are long). In it, I had a persisten...

Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind? (2005)

17 days ago

Abstract: Visual Studio can be one of the programmer's best friends, but over the years it has become increasingly pushy, domineering, and suffering from unsettling control issues. Should we just surrender to Visual Studio's insistence on writing our code for us? Or is Visual Studio sapping our prog...

With AI You Need to Think Much Bigger

18 days ago

I have noticed something in the past 12 months, something a little profound. I have noticed that I am no longer scared that a project will be too big or too complex for me, or that a project will use a technology or programming language I don’t know. This is from a guy who has done a lot of big proj...

How to know when it's time to go

18 days ago

Leaving a job is never easy, and it’s a consequential decision. But when it’s time, it’s time. Here’s how to escape the comfort trap, and take the next step in your career.

This blog post passed unit tests

18 days ago

This blog post passed unit tests by Giorgio Azzinnaro, Co-Founder | Software Engineer Updated on March 7, 2025 · 9 min read I’m reading a book called “Writing for Developers”,1 which has some great advice on writing blog posts that get read. With this post, I have two objectives: put in practice wha...

Discworld Rules

19 days ago

And LOTR is brain-rot for technologists

Unpopular Defaults for High-Performing Tech Organizations

19 days ago

“No one ever quit!” “Look at our hackathon!” “We hard-allocate time to fight tech debt.” Ostensibly, good things. In reality? Just the advice to follow… if you want to lead a mediocre team. You’re …

Let's Talk About the American Dream

21 days ago

A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of ourselves, our communities, and the American Dream itself. But staying gold isn’t passive. It takes work. It takes action. It takes hard conversations that ask us to confront

Dear Apple: Add "Disappearing Messages" to iMessage

22 days ago

This is a cryptography blog and I always feel the need to apologize for any post that isn’t “straight cryptography.” I’m actually getting a little tired of apologizing for i…

Skynet Won and Destroyed Humanity

22 days ago

After just a few thousands failed violent attempts with Terminator machines, Skynet realised it was lacking information on the whereabouts of the resistance leaders it was trying to destroy.

Who's Afraid of Tom Wolfe?

23 days ago

No editor would let a resurrected Tom Wolfe write the way he once did. But it was that breathless spew, uncensored though artful, that let him reach us. Now we only get that much animation from rogue or ranting podcasters and columnists, and it comes soaked in instantly recognizable political bias.

Solving SICP

23 days ago

This report is written as a post-mortem of a project that has, perhaps, been the author’s most extensive personal project: creating a complete and comprehensive solution to one of the most fa…

The Golden Age of Japanese Pencils, 1952-1967

24 days ago

It was the summer of 1952, and the executives of Tombow Pencil were about to revolutionize the Japanese pencil industry—or, possibly, fall flat on their faces. Hachiro Ogawa, the son of founder Harunosuke Ogawa, was Tombow's managing director, and he had just finished a years-long project, at enormo...

The quest to find and save the Vasa

24 days ago

In 1628, the 'Vasa' sank on its maiden voyage. For the next 300 years, it sat in a watery grave—until one man sparked a monumental effort to salvage it.

Rackmounting that which should not be rackmounted

25 days ago

A few years ago I developed a few clever ways of rackmounting non-rackmount equipment so it could look neat in my HiFi rack enclosure.1 The goal was to have a professional-looking setup that would support input from my TV, spotify, Airplay, DJ controller and other sources while being able to drive a...

The Housing Theory of Everything

26 days ago

Western housing shortages do not just prevent many from ever affording their own home. They also drive inequality, climate change, low productivity growth, obesity, and even falling fertility rates.

Harold Cohen and Aaron – A 40-Year Collaboration (2016)

27 days ago

Harold Cohen was a pioneer in computer art, in algorithmic art, and in generative art; but as he told me one afternoon in 2010, he was first and foremost a painter. He was also an engineer whose work defined the first generation of computer-generated art. His system, AARON, is one of the longest-run...

The False Summit – When 90% done becomes 50%

1 month ago

A friend of mine is always calling me out for never finishing anything, and never writing anything, and never responding to him after 5 PM or on weekends. I'm a bad friend, and I have accepted that, but he's always asking me about whatever my latest hyperfixation project is. Did I finish it; did I w...

The XB-70 (2019)

1 month ago

The XB-70 My Dad and the Cold War On the occasion of the public unveiling of the XB-70 Valkyrie, brigadier general Fred Ascani stood at his podium and began addressing the crowd at North American Aviation’s plant no. 42 in Palmdale, California. General Ascani was the Air Force’s program director for...

The skill that never goes obsolete

1 month ago

Much of what I do, in multiple fields, could be reduced to one skill: troubleshooting. I’ll define troubleshooting as systematically determining the cause of unwanted behaviour in a system, and fixing it. Troubleshooting is often learned tacitly, in the process of explicitly learning “the skill...

Ultima VII: Revisited

1 month ago

(TL;DR: Ultima VII: Revisited is a replacement engine for Ultima VII that presents the game in 3D and fixes various issue with the game. Go to the Downloads tab to find out how to get it.) Preview of coming attractions. My name is Anthony Salter and I love Ultima. The Ultima Series of classic RPGs


1 month ago

The Digital Antiquarian A history of computer entertainment and digital culture by Jimmy Maher Home About Me Ebooks Hall of Fame Table of Contents RSS ← A Conversation with Andrew Plotkin Railroad Tycoon II → Half-Life 20 Dec Around twenty years ago, people would have laughed if you told them that v...

20 years working on the same software product

1 month ago

I released version 1 of my table seating planning software, PerfectTablePlan, in February 2005. 20 years ago this month. It was a different world. A world of Windows, shareware and CDs. A lot has c…

The Profitable Startup

1 month ago

Skip to content → ProductProduct ResourcesResources Pricing Customers Blog Contact Docs Open app Log in Sign up Blog Last edited: February 21, 2025 Company Building The Profitable Startup For years, startups have been taught to prioritize growth over everything else. Profitability was seen as unambi...

America's National Security Wonderland

1 month ago

While America is battling exhaustion and political polarization at home, it is now facing something it’s never faced abroad: it is locked into a security competition against multiple opponents who, when taken together, are in fact vastly superior to America in terms of industrial capacity. This on i...

The Shape of a Mars Mission

1 month ago

A trip to Mars will be commital in a way that has no precedent in human space flight. The moon landings were designed so that any moment the crew could hit the red button and return expeditiously to Earth; engineers spent the brief windows of time when an abort was infeasible chain smoking and chewi...

It's time to become an ML engineer

1 month ago

AI has recently crossed a utility threshold, where cutting-edge models such as GPT-3, Codex, and DALL-E 2 are actually useful and can perform tasks computers cannot do any other way. The act of producing these models is an exploration of a new... | Greg Brockman | Svbtle

I built a large language model "from scratch"

1 month ago

A developer's journey through building an LLM from scratch, sharing key insights about tokenization, training, and the learning process of mastering AI fundamentals.

Moving on from 18F

1 month ago

Moving on from 18F. Posted on 17 February 2025 Note: This post gets into the last few weeks of American politics. If that’s not your cup of tea, or if that’s a stressful topic for you, please feel free to skip this one. (Also, it’s a bit long. Sorry about that.) Last week, I finished my tenure as a ...

The Ideal Candidate Will Be Punched In the Stomach

1 month ago

The description suggests that this is some kind of extended metaphor about work. It appears to be written in that _Choose Your Own Adventure_ style second-person voice, yet there are no choices to be found within. Against your better judgment, you follow the link.

The Generative AI Con

1 month ago

It's been just over two years and two months since ChatGPT launched, and in that time we've seen Large Language Models (LLMs) blossom from a novel concept into one of the most craven cons of the 21st century — a cynical bubble inflated by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman built to sell

Small Tech

1 month ago

I frequently see debates about whether it's better to be a cog at a giant semi-monopoly, or to take investment money in the hopes of one day growing to be head cog at a giant semi-monopoly. Role models matter. So I made a list of small companies that I admire. Neither giants nor startups - just peop...

My Time at MIT

1 month ago

Twenty years ago, in 2004-2005, I spent a year at MIT’s Computer Science department as a postdoc working with Professor Nancy Lynch. It was ...

New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code

1 month ago

Something’s been bugging me about how new devs and I need to talk about it. We’re at this weird inflection point in software development. Every junior dev I talk to has Copilot or Claude or GPT running 24/7. They’re shipping code faster than ever. But when I dig deeper into their understanding of wh...

50 Years of Travel Tips

1 month ago

I’ve been seriously traveling for more than 50 years, and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve traveled solo, and I’ve led a tour group of 40 friends. I’ve slept in dormitories and I’ve stayed in presidential suites with a butler. I’ve … Continue reading →


1 month ago

This is the research. This is the work.

Gary Marcus discusses AI's technical problems

1 month ago

Opinion Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ‘Not on the Best Path’ Gary Marcus discusses AI's technical problems, and why he thinks Large Language Models have reached a “point of diminishing returns.” By Leah Hoffmann Posted Feb 13 2025 Share Twitter Reddit Hacker News Download PDF Print Jo...

The Death of the Web (2024)

1 month ago

When I was in school, in the mid 90s, I got on the internet for the first time. Our school had one computer that had the interne...

Reassessing Wayland

1 month ago

I mean honestly that kind of sums it up. In retrospect, it is a bit surprising. Maybe I should publicly complain more if it gets me these kinds of results (this is a joke everybody). But a good example here would be the support of explicit sync. Not too long ago, I did not think we were going to be ...

Why young parents should focus on building trust with their kids

1 month ago

Today, when my 1.9-year-old daughter tried to grab and eat an unwashed orange, I asked her to give it to me so I could wash and peel it if she could wait for a moment. She did. It got me thinking about the marshmallow experiment, where the idea was that patience equals success. But … […]

Diversity: The U.S. Military's Not-So-Secret Weapon

1 month ago

In the woods of northeast France, a group of American artillery officers watched their olive drab-clad batterymen set up their tents in a peaceful glade. It would be the last such quiet the battery…

The year I didn't survive

1 month ago

Grief and new motherhood have transformed my brain, my body, and my sense of self.

The Mythology of Work (2018)

1 month ago

Most of the things we make and do for money are patently irrelevant to our survival—and to what gives life meaning, besides.

Sid Meier's Civilization VII

1 month ago

Pre-order Civilization VII for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or Steam. Choose from the Standard, Deluxe Edition, or Founders Edition.

Don't Be Frupid

1 month ago

Frupidity is stupid frugality that wrecks engineering teams. Misguided cost-cutting kills productivity, morale, and innovation. You can fight it.

Three Observations

1 month ago

Our mission is to ensure that AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) benefits all of humanity.  Systems that start to point to AGI* are coming into view, and so we think it’s important to...

Chimes at Midnight (2024)

1 month ago

It’s been an idea for over three decades. How did the clock that will run for 10,000 years become a reality?

Portland's Exploding Liberty Bell

1 month ago

{reading time: 12 minutes}It’s the Saturday before the first Thanksgiving of the 1970s, and shit in Portland has been blowing up with alarming regularity ...

The art of engineering team focus: less is more

1 month ago

How leaders can increase productivity by saying no to scattered, parallel work and instead concentrating on visible, bite-sized tasks funded to capacity. By breaking work into small chunks, limiting work in progress, and leaving room for the unexpected, teams deliver value faster while staying adapt...

Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 10 years

1 month ago

Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 10 years in the industry Published 2025-02-03 Four years ago I posted about the same topic. A kind email reminded me its time for another check in. Things I've changed my mind on: Things I now believe, which past me would've squabbled with: S...

Jujutsu VCS Introduction and Patterns

1 month ago

Jujutsu (jj), a new version control system written in Rust, has popped up on my radar a few times over the past year. Looked interesting based on a cursory look, but being actually pretty satisfied with Git, and not having major problems with it, I haven’t checked it out. That is, until last week, w...

100 Or so Books that shaped a Century of Science

1 month ago

The 100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science from "Scientists' Bookshelf" American Scientist, November-December 1999, Volume 87, No. 6 Biography The autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809-1882 by Charles Darwin A mathematician's apology by G. H. Hardy The double helix : a personal account of ...

My Seventh Year as a Bootstrapped Founder

1 month ago

It's now been seven years since I quit my job at Google to become an indie founder. In the past year, I sold my company, started a family, and learned several new technologies.

Windows 11 – There's still nothing worth my time

1 month ago

Before I dig into the gist of my own testing, just a wee reference to Microsoft's hardware requirement mantra. Apparently, Microsoft has decided to stick with its business plan, statistics be damned. 'Tis a game of who blinketh first, the customer or the arbitrary TPM thingie. Now, Microsoft also se...

Developer Philosophy

1 month ago

Amazing as it may seem after all these years, there are still junior developers in the world. A few weeks ago at work we had a talk where senior developers (including me) were invited to spend around five minutes each talking about our personal software development philosophies....

I Conditioned Myself to Fail

1 month ago

Feb 3, 2025 I conditioned myself to fail Over the years I’ve literally built hundreds of projects. Some with a lof of potential. Others just batshit crazy ideas. I started noticing a pattern. I’d build a project for several weeks or even months. Working long hours, maybe 12-14 hours a day. Being ext...

Switching to Linux: Reclaim Your Freedom

1 month ago

Switching to Linux: Reclaim Your Freedom Published in LINUX-HOWTO.ORG • 31 January 2025 Christian Ahmer Introduction: The Case for Switching to Linux The High Cost of Proprietary Systems The Pain of Vendor Lock-in The Erosion of User Skills Loss of Privacy and Control The Advantages of Open Source S...

Living with Nausea: My Story in Six Charts

1 month ago

I used to have boring health. I never had more than the flu, been admitted to the hospital, and I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. In late 2023, that changed when I developed chronic nausea.

Go Is a Well-Designed Language

1 month ago

To me, a design is a plan or specification for something that fulfils a goal. For example, the goal of the BBC News website might be to inform users of the most relevant things that are going on in the world. The way they do that is by writing news articles, ordering them based on location and impor...

A story about restoring and upgrading a Commodore Amiga 1000

1 month ago

This is a story about restoring and upgrading a Commodore Amiga 1000, the first model of the Amiga series. Many of you might be familiar with the popular Amiga 500 or later models, but the Commodore Amiga 1000 was actually the first model of the Amiga series produced. I consider the A1000 a signific...

Can we get the benefits of transitive dependencies without undermining security?

1 month ago

Writing modern software increasingly involves the use of dependencies, that is other pieces of software [1]. For example, I “wrote” the software that produces the website you’re looking at right now by gluing together a number of Rust libraries. If those libraries hadn’t existed – and if cargo [2] d...

Svelte 5 and the Future of Frameworks: A Chat with Rich Harris

1 month ago

After months of anticipation, debate, and even a bit of apprehension, Svelte 5 arrived earlier this year. Frederick O’Brien caught up with its creator, Rich Harris, to talk about the path that brought him and his team here and what lies ahead.

A 20-Year-Old Small Company

1 month ago

Today is Chinese New Year’s Eve, and it also happens to be the 20th anniversary of our company - our official date of incorporation was January 28, 2005. I wanted to jot down a few thoughts this morning to mark the occasion. The Beginning of the Journey At the time, I was in Shenzhen and Glacier was...

The Curious Case of Quentell

2 months ago

I go on a journey to learn about a man named Quentell, and discover unsettling things about the information landscape.


Explainer: What's R1 and Everything Else?

2 months ago

Explainer: What's R1 & Everything Else? Sat January 25, 2025 Is AI making you dizzy? A lot of industry insiders are feeling the same. R1 just came out a few days ago out of nowhere, and then there’s o1 and o3, but no o2. Gosh! It’s hard to know what’s going on. This post aims to be a guide for recen...

Build It Yourself

2 months ago

We need a vibe shift on dependencies in programming.

100% Unemployment: on keeping busy when the robots take over (2013)

2 months ago

100% UnemploymentMike on Tue Jan 29 2013 on-keeping-busy-when-the-robots-take-over I'll begin with a healthy dose of pessimism. I write software for a living, and I am becoming more and more convinced that my job will soon – in a few years or a few decades – be outsourced. It won't go to a developer...

Ignore the Grifters – AI Isn't Going to Kill the Software Industry

2 months ago

Jan 13, 2025 Ignore the Grifters - AI Isn't Going to Kill the Software Industry I feel like half of my social media feed is composed of AI grifters saying software developers are not going to make it. Combine that sentiment with some economic headwinds and it's easy to feel like we're all screwed. I...

Show HN: I built an active community of trans people online

2 months ago

t4t is a focused social network for trans and gender-non-comforming people. It is beautiful, minimalist, text-based, and free. To join, download the app for iOS or Android. Recent posts @Lovemail.Shan Don't you hate it When you wake up extremely horny but it gets to a point where it makes you sick b...

Tech Takes the Pareto Principle Too Far

2 months ago

There's a reason video games build what's called a 'vertical slice'. If you're not familiar, a vertical slice is a single playable area, with all mechanics, fin

Most Influential Papers in Computer Science History

2 months ago

This post celebrates influential papers that shaped technology and communication. Their foundational concepts inspire continued innovation, highlighting the importance of understanding our roots fo…

Is It Better to Fail Spectacularly?

5 months ago

Three weeks ago I wrote the following draft of a blog post entitled “Is It Better to Fail Spectacularly?”. I am having a lot of doubts. I’ve been training for the Chicago Marathon in earnest since June, but in reality the preparations began a year ago when I was accepted based on my qualifying time ...

Ribbonfarm Is Retiring

5 months ago

After several years of keeping it going in semi-retired, keep-the-lights-on (KTLO) mode, I’ve decided to officially fully retire this blog. The ribbonfarm.com domain and all links will remain active, but there will be no new content after November 13th, 2024, which happens to be my 50th birthday. Th...

Another Burnout Post

5 months ago

I quit my last contracting gig in August with £40k in debt, no other income, and only a business idea (it failed).

Frederick Law Olmsted: His Essential Theory (2000)

5 months ago

The teachings of Price, Gilpin, and Repton and the quiet example of his father provided the basis for Olmsted's aesthetic theories; they also underlay his refusal to follow the gardening fashions of his own time. The horticultural revolution of the early nineteenth century led gardeners to neglect o...


5 months ago

A new village for families building the future

DHL Pioneered the Sharing Economy

5 months ago

The system worked amazingly well. The postal service then was notoriously slow and unreliable. By taking important documents and putting them in suitcases, DHL was able to guarantee timely delivery of critical business documents.

SOFA - Start Often Finish rArely

5 months ago

SOFA is the name of a hacker/art collective, and also the name of the principle upon which the club was founded. The point of SOFA club is to start as many things as possible as you have the ability, interest, and capacity to, with no regard or goal whatsoever for finishing those projects. The goal ...

Rethinking School Design

5 months ago

For decades, school design was synonymous with rigidity; now, child-centric principles are reshaping contemporary educational spaces.

Plutocrat Archipelagos

5 months ago

On 23 August 1989, around a million Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians expressed their desire for independence by joining hands to create ‘The Baltic Way’, a human chain that extended for over 690 kilometres from Tallinn to Riga to Vilnius.

Why Don't We Use Awnings Anymore

5 months ago

When you look at old black and white pictures of cities from before the 1950s you may notice something on most buildings that are no longer there today. Awnings. They were ubiquitous over nearly every window of buildings from the most basic single family home to massive buildings like The White Hous...

Try to fix it one level deeper

5 months ago

Try to Fix It One Level Deeper Sep 6, 2024 I had a productive day today! I did many different and unrelated things, but they all had the same unifying theme: There’s a bug! And it is sort-of obvious how to fix it. But if you don’t laser-focus on that, and try to perceive the surrounding context, it ...

Short films by Lillian F. Schwartz (1927-2024)

5 months ago

Films Home Art Analysis Biography Chinese Brush Collage Color 3D Animation Without Pixel Shifting Discoveries and Firsts Documentaries Drawings Electronic Restoration Etchings Films Graphics Partial Inventory Light Boxes Painting Photography Reviews Sculpture Videos Watercolor 2D to 3D Films Lillian...

The Age of PageRank Is Over

5 months ago

When Sergey Brin and Larry Page came up with the concept of PageRank in their seminal paper The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine (Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page, Stanford University, 1998) they profoundly changed the way we utilize the web. For the next 25 years, humanity count...

Starship is Still Not Understood (2021)

5 months ago

Another entry into my blog series on countering misconceptions in space journalism. I discussed this post on The Space Show on November 5 2021. It has been exactly two years since my initial posts …

The Quiet Art of Attention

5 months ago

There comes a moment in life, often in the quietest of hours, when one realizes that the world will continue on its wayward course, indifferent to our desires or frustrations. And it is then, perhaps, that a subtle truth begins to emerge: the only thing we truly possess, the only thing we might, wit...

Some Notes on Upgrading Hugo

5 months ago

Some notes on upgrading Hugo • blogging • October 7, 2024 Warning: this is a post about very boring yakshaving, probably only of interest to people who are trying to upgrade Hugo from a very old version to a new version. But what are blogs for if not documenting one’s very boring yakshaves from time...

The web I want vs. the one we have

5 months ago

I remember when I first arrived in Silicon Valley with a couple of products and after meeting Steve Jobs at Apple, and signing with the company that bought Visicalc, I felt like I had arrived, and …

Exploring 120 Years of Timezones

5 months ago

Timezones, and daylight saving - the practice of moving clocks forward by one hour once a year - are a pain. They make it hard to schedule international meetings, plan travel, or may simply cause you to be an hour late for work once a year. For a developer, they are even worse! This blog post takes ...

Are retrocomputers best left on or off?

5 months ago

I have a machine from 1998. I believe its hard drive and RAM are all original. It powers on and loads the OS, so I have reason to believe that nothing major is corrupted. However, is it best to lea...

Author and Aviator

5 months ago

Tom Lamont: Author & Aviator - James Salter: Pilot, Screenwriter, Novelist by Jeffrey Meyers

The path to GM: some thoughts on becoming a general manager (2005)

5 months ago

Skip to main content This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Download Microsoft Edge More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge Table of contents Exit focus mode

Ironies of Automation (1983)

5 months ago

This paper discusses ways in which automation of industrial processes may expand rather than eliminate problems with the human operator.   ...

On 17th century "cocaine"

5 months ago

A new analysis of mummified brains pushes back the timeline for the globalization of coca

5 Years Later: The First Win

5 months ago

N3366 - Restartable Functions for Efficient Character Conversions has made it into the C2Y Standard (A.K.A., “the next C standard after C23”). And one of my longest struggles — the sole reason I actually came down to the C Standards Committee in the first place —

10-Year Narratives

5 months ago

What is changing now that will still be changing in ten years? Anchor your strategy on that.

The Nazi of Oak Park

5 months ago

It was a stunning revelation: A respected high school custodian had been a concentration camp guard. This excerpt of a new book examines how the disclosure of a dark secret in the early ’80s divided a suburb.

The Rise of Worse Is Better

5 months ago

The Rise of Worse is Better Richard P. Gabriel Lucid, Inc {an excerpt from "Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big." [html]} 2.1 The Rise of Worse is Better I and just about every designer of Common Lisp and CLOS has had extreme exposure to the MIT/Stanford style of design. The essence of this st...

Could we build a computer designed to last at least fifty years?

5 months ago

The computer built to last 50 years by Ploum on 2021-02-04 *How to create the long-lasting compu**ter that will save your attention, your wallet, your creativity, your soul and the planet. Killing monopolies will only be a byproduct.* Each time I look at my Hermes Rocket typewriter (on the left in t...

The survival skills of Helena Valero

5 months ago

Anthropology has been bad at capturing the living conditions of women. A kidnapped woman who returned to civilization was the exception.

The Naming of America (2001)

5 months ago

THE NAMING OF AMERICA: FRAGMENTS WE'VE SHORED AGAINST OURSELVES BY JONATHAN COHEN The name America (applied to present-day Brazil) appeared for what is believed the first time on Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 world map, known as the Baptismal Certificate of the New World, and also America's Birth Cert...

Making the Web Boring Again

5 months ago

It's hard to imagine now, but in the 2000s web browsers were quite boring and didn't get updated very often. IE7 being released was a huge deal (indeed, Microsoft kept to a slower-moving schedule just as the rest of the industry was starting to pick up the pace). Opera was a viable fully-independent...

Manna – Two Views of Humanity's Future

5 months ago

Manna – Two Views of Humanity’s Future – Chapter 1 by Marshall Brain Depending on how you want to think about it, it was funny or inevitable or symbolic that the robotic takeover did not start at MIT, NASA, Microsoft or Ford. It started at a Burger-G restaurant in Cary, NC on May 17. It seemed like ...

12 Months of Mandarin

5 months ago

Estimates for achieving intermediate fluency in Mandarin Chinese range up to spending years and around 4000 total hours (2,200h classroom hours, 1,800 outside). I did it in 1500 hours total and less than a year.[1] 1. There is a lot of disagreement on language proficiency estimates. They

Jerry Seinfeld, Social Anxiety, and Meditation

5 months ago

Jerry Seinfeld, Social Anxiety, and Meditation Oct 4, 2024 Modified on Oct 4, 2024 4 minute read This week I came across an interview with Jerry Seinfeld, focused on the benefits of meditation in his life. I see Jerry as a no-nonsense personality, one who’s reached the pinnacle of success in a compe...

Magic Isn't Real

5 months ago

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

I Solve Problems (talk at EuroBSDCon 2024)

5 months ago

The slides, the video, and the text behind my presentation at EuroBSDCon 2024 - 'Why and how we're migrating many of our servers from Linux to the BSDs.'

What Excessive Screen Time Does to the Adult Brain

5 months ago

By Mary Grace Descourouez, MS, NBC-HWC Binge-watching television, watching YouTube videos for hours, or scrolling on your phone every morning may seem harmless, but research shows that too much screen time may be detrimental to your health. We know children’s brains are affected by spending too much...

The Fastest Mutexes

5 months ago

Cosmopolitan Libc has the fastest most efficient mutexes for contended workloads.


Putting the "Person" in "Personal Website"

5 months ago

Putting the “Person” in “Personal Website” 2024-10-02 The other day I saw a meme that went something like this: Isn’t it crappy how basic human activities like singing, dancing, and making art have been turned into skills instead of being recognized as behaviors? The point of doing these things has ...

Sausages: An Anthology

5 months ago

ALWYN TURNER selects some passages from British literature that concern sausages.

Don't build your castle in other people's kingdoms (2021)

5 months ago

In the past couple of months a couple of big social media sites have changed their terms or introduced suspicious paid plans and it has caught content creators off guard. For instance, last week Twitch introduced a new “Boost” program where streamers can pay to get more viewers to see their stream. ...

Dead Internet

5 months ago

Have you plucked away at this thing they call the ‘Internet’ lately?

Seven things I wish I would not hear as an autist

5 months ago

Among all the health conditions, diseases, disabilities and neuro-developmental challenges, it seems that Autism Spectrum Disorder is notorious for giving everybody a solid headache, no matter how they came to interact with it - as researchers, diagnosticians, autists ourselves or people who just ar...

A guide to working remote and not paying rent

5 months ago

Adjusting to this lifestyle hasn't been easy - truth be told it has taken a full year of learning through failure to learn the insights in the blog post below. I'm three years in on the journey of #vanlife and life is going to plan.

David Brin – The Dogma of Otherness

5 months ago

"The Dogma of Otherness" (published in full here) first appeared in the book Otherness, a collection of essays and short stories on the subject of, strangely enough, otherness. The article also appeared online (in abbreviated form) at crackaddict.com.

The Teacher Who Made Mistakes on Purpose

5 months ago

He was worried about losing them. He could write equations on the blackboard all day long, but if he didn’t find a way to connect with them soon, they’d never master multiplication up to 100. One day, once again concerned about reaching his third-graders, he was lost in thought and wrote “3 x 4 = […...

Kris Kristofferson has died

5 months ago

Kris Kristofferson, the revered songwriter whose poetic lyrics transcended genre, has died at age 88.

The Architecture of London Pubs (1966)

6 months ago

'There are no good modern pubs.' With original sketches from 1966 and scathing critique, Gardiner bemoans the state of London's pubs.

The Mega65

6 months ago

Taking a good look around (both inside and out) of my brand new MEGA65 computer system from Trenz Electronic GmbH.

System Intiative is generally available

6 months ago

Refresh System Initiative Open main menu HomePricingPartnersDocsBlogNewsAbout UsJobs Log InSign Up System Initiative is the Future By Adam Jacob 9/25/2024 I’m incredibly proud to announce the general availability of System Initiative. It’s a revolutionary technology that is the future of how you wil...

Why I still blog after 15 years

6 months ago

Why I still blog after 15 years ★ Published: September 25, 2024 in 7f18f00 Tagged: Blog Time flies when you’re having fun. Before you know it, your little babies have started school, you celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jurassic Park, and that little blog you started have now been going for 15 year...

Thoughts on Debugging

6 months ago

I was recently asked to help resolve an escalation at work. It had already bounced around between a few people, and was very muddied with conflicting reports not to mention frustration that the issue existed in the first place. Apparently I am insane, because I like situations like this.

The Intelligence Age

6 months ago

In the next couple of decades, we will be able to do things that would have seemed like magic to our grandparents.

What Happened to the Japanese PC Platforms?

6 months ago

What Happened to the Japanese PC Platforms? Sep 21st, 2024 2:01 pm (This was originally posted on a social media site; I’ve revised and updated it for my blog.) The other day a friend asked me a pretty interesting question: what happened to all those companies who made those Japanese computer platfo...

Gentle Guide to Self-Hosting

6 months ago

There was a time when software (and games! Games are just software for fun!) were distributed on DVD. A physical disk that you would insert into your system ...

Reports of the Death of Dental Cavities Are Greatly Exaggerated

6 months ago

If I asked you to name the most common chronic disease in children, what would you say? Asthma comes top of mind, but there is something five times more common in kids: cavities. We don’t typically think of dental cavities as a chronic disease—in part because of the separation between medicine and d...

A Word about Systemd

6 months ago

systemd is becoming de facto a standard init system for Linux. But even this choice of words is treacherous, because systemd is much more than an init system. It's basically an integrated redesign of all the low-level userspace of a Linux system, with great plans to change how software is run and or...

Trichloroethylene: An Invisible Cause of Parkinson's Disease?

6 months ago

The etiologies of Parkinson’s disease (PD) remain unclear. Some, such as certain genetic mutations and head trauma, are widely known or easily identified. However, these causes or risk factors do not account for the majority of cases. Other, less ...

Software is about people, not code (2020)

6 months ago

Dear new developer, When I was starting out, I thought that software development was all about code. After all, that was the main thing I was working on. Well, maybe not the main thing, as I needed…

Why to Not Write a Book

6 months ago

A discussion of why I don’t intend to turn Gwern.net into a book, and how trying to write a book can harm writers.

TouchArcade Is Shutting Down

6 months ago

News TouchArcade is Shutting Down Posted on September 16, 2024 by Jared Nelson This is a post that I’ve known was coming for quite some time, but that doesn’t make it any easier to write. After more than 16 years TouchArcade will be closing its doors and shutting down operations. There may be an add...

Retiring from the Idea of Retirement

6 months ago

I changed my mind and will not wait for retirement. Instead, I will focus on aligning financial investments with activities I enjoy till my last breath.

D&D is Anti-Medieval

6 months ago

You can be forgiven for thinking that OD&D is a medieval European fantasy game. After all, Gary Gygax himself says so. He describes the original D&D books as “Rules for Fantastic Medi…

How to Optimize Your Career for Happiness

6 months ago

The relentless pursuit of success often means chasing after promotions, pay raises, and prestigious titles. But what if we shifted our focus from these traditional metrics and instead optimized our careers for happiness?

Why Scrum Is Stressing You Out

6 months ago

Programming today is stressful — way more stressful than I remember it in the 90s and early 2000s when I was just starting out.

To forget is an ethical act

6 months ago

On and off for the last several years I've been manually curating my roughly 40,000 lifetime tweets. I recently finished, and in the process embarked on a

Contempt Culture

6 months ago

So when I started programming in 2001, it was du jour in the communities I participated in to be highly critical of other languages. Other languages

"Design It Twice"?

6 months ago

Designing software is tough. I think we can all agree on that. No matter how much experience you have, your first idea about how to structure a module or system is usually not the best one. I had to l

Billiards is a good game (1975)

6 months ago

From our print archive: Gamesmanship and America’s first Nobel Prize scientist, Albert Abraham Michelson.

My 71 TiB ZFS NAS After 10 Years and Zero Drive Failures

6 months ago

My 4U 71 TiB ZFS NAS built with twenty-four 4 TB drives is over 10 years old and still going strong. Although now on its second motherboard and power supply, the system has yet to experience a single drive failure (knock on wood). Zero drive failures in ten years, how is that possible? Let's talk ab...

JG Ballard's Apocalyptic Art

6 months ago

In Empire of the Sun, published 40 years ago, the great novelist turned his childhood experiences in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp into a form of personal liberation.

GitHub Taught Me to Micromanage

6 months ago

Feedback is critical to performing good work as a team. Good feedback cultivates quality work and professional growth. Bad feedback degrades quality and erodes relationships. This article explains ...

The Neverending Story

6 months ago

Applets. ActiveX. Flash. Flex. Silverlight. Angular. React. Plenty of corporations thought they knew better but failed to see the larger picture.

Be a Thermostat, Not a Thermometer

6 months ago

As I’ve learned more about how humans interact with one another at work, I’ve been repeatedly reminded that we are very easily influenced by the mood of thos...

David Chang on the long, hard, stupid way

6 months ago

I recently came across a great quote from David Chang, “Just because we’re a casual restaurant, doesn’t mean we don’t hold ourselves to fine dining standards. We try to do things the right way. That usually means doing things the long, hard, stupid way.” David has elaborated on this quote:  When you...

Tailwind CSS vs. Pico CSS (2022)

6 months ago

But the real hot piece of tech is not really a CSS framework as I remember them. Everybody is now talking about Tailwind CSS - a “utility-first CSS framework”. In case you’ve been living under a rock (like me): it’s a library that instead of giving you btn-primary gives you bg-blue-600. It pretty mu...

GPTs and Hallucination

6 months ago

Current Issue Past Issues Topics September 9, 2024 Volume 22, issue 4 PDF GPTs and Hallucination Why do large language models hallucinate? Jim Waldo and Soline Boussard The recent developments of LLMs (large language models) and the applications built on them such as ChatGPT have completely revoluti...

Debugging in the Multiverse

6 months ago

Would figuring out your bugs and outages be easier if you had a time machine? We are now making a time machine directly available to all of our customers.

A Manifesto for Radical Simplicity

6 months ago

Radical Simplicity is about cutting through the noise, focusing on what truly matters, and delivering results that are effective and efficient.

The Gift of Code

6 months ago

In the open source community, there is perhaps no greater gift than code. This is about that time 135,000 lines of gifted code created a new era of JavaScript

Mockingboard 4c+: Because Interrupts Are Hard

6 months ago

Mockingboard 4c+ By Quinn Dunki June 20, 2021 Because Interrupts Are Hard. The Apple II was (well, still is) a computer devoid of interrupts. I think most modern software engineers probably under-appreciate the implications of that. Folks skilled in writing main loops for games or graphics will at l...

Interviewing Epic Games Founder Tim Sweeney and Author Neal Stephenson

6 months ago

Tim and Neal’s thoughts on the definition of the “Metaverse,” its technological and economic growth, Neal’s reaction on the day Facebook changed its name to Meta, the future of Fortnite , their thoughts on Apple’s Vision Pro, blockchains, and the ethics of Generative AI, plus “Snow Crash 2," a

Ask HN: Where are the part-time remote coding jobs?

6 months ago

Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit login Ask HN: Where are the part-time remote coding jobs? 34 points by DamnInteresting 18 minutes ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments I really love writing, and over the years I've cultivated a respectable audience of readers. But ...

Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods

6 months ago

I’ve been thinking about the lessons distributed systems engineers learn on the job. A great deal of our instruction is through scars made by mistakes made in production traffic. These scars are useful reminders, sure, but it’d be better to have more engineers with the full count of their fingers. N...

What Does It Mean to Learn?

6 months ago

A leading computer scientist says it’s “educability,” not intelligence, that matters most.

Rediscovering the Small Web (2020)

6 months ago

Rediscovering the Small Web Most websites today are built like commercial products by professionals and marketers, optimised to draw the largest audience, generate engagement and 'convert'. But there is also a smaller, less-visible web designed by regular people to simply to share their interests an...

AnandTech Farewell

6 months ago

PIPELINE STORIES + Submit News Sabrent Rocket nano V2 External SSD Review: Phison U18 in a Solid Offering MediaTek to Add NVIDIA G-Sync Support to Monitor Scalers, Make G-Sync Displays More Accessible Qualcomm Adds Snapdragon 7s Gen 3: Mid-Tier Snapdragon Gets Cortex-A720 Treatment CXL Gathers Momen...

KDE Asking for Donations

6 months ago

Why do we ask for donations so often? Because it’s important! As KDE becomes more successful and an increasing number of people use our software, our costs grow as well: Web and server hostin…

Air Con: $1697 for an on/off switch

6 months ago

Forcing customers to replace an entire system just because the cheapest component failed might be really profitable, I have no idea… But I do know that it annoyed me enough to make me want to fix it myself. While I understand that what I do next is beyond a large number of Advantage Air customers, i...

GeoWorks: The Other Windows

7 months ago

Before Windows became a fact of life for most computer users, a scrappy upstart named GeoWorks tried taking Microsoft on. It failed, but it gave us AOL.

Marcus Aurelius: On Humility and Duty (2019)

7 months ago

We ought to do good to others as simply as a horse runs, or a bee makes honey, or a vine bears grapes season after season without thinking of the grapes it has borne. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, …

13 Years of Building Infrastructure Control Planes in Ruby

7 months ago

Ubicloud has the ambition of writing an open source alternative to AWS, Azure, or GCP. Its control plane is written in Ruby, a fact that surprises some people. Our cofounder, Daniel, has been building infrastructure control planes in Ruby for 13 years, starting with Heroku. He recently presented at...

Fixing a Bug in Google Chrome as a First-Time Contributor

7 months ago

A rundown of my experience finding and fixing a bug in the Chromium/Google Chrome browser - specifically in the devtools. It includes details about the bug itself as well as notes about what it was like working on the Chromium project as a first-time contributor.

With Power Comes Great Responsibility Platforms Want to Be Utilities (2021)

7 months ago

Whether it’s “bringing the world closer together” (Facebook), “organizing the world’s information” (Google), to be a market “where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online” (Amazon) or “to make personal computing accessible to each and every individual” (Apple), the fou...

JavaScript Dates Are About to Be Fixed

7 months ago

Why I’m excited about the new Temporal API in JavaScript: finally, easy and accurate date handling with time zones using ZonedDateTime. Say goodbye to the headaches of traditional Date objects.

OpenSSH Backdoors

7 months ago

Imagine this: an OpenSSH backdoor is discovered, maintainers rush to push out a fixed release package, security researchers trade technical details on mailing lists to analyze the backdoor code. Speculation abounds on the attribution and motives of the attacker, and the tech media pounces on the sto...

Designing My Own Watch (2020)

7 months ago

Last month I received my custom made wristwatch from Switzerland, it is a minimalistic mechanical annual calendar designed to be understated and true to the metal.

The Euphemism Treadmill

7 months ago

I sometimes get annoyed with John McWhorter, but when he’s good he’s very good, and his Aeon essay on euphemisms is probably the best thing I’ve read on this vexed topic. The core of his point is in this paragraph: What the cognitive psychologist and linguist Steven Pinker has artfully termed ‘the e...

Do low-level optimizations matter? Faster quicksort with cmov

7 months ago

Do Low-level Optimizations Matter? by Nathan Myers, ncm at cantrip dot org, 2020-01-09 Collectively, we have been thinking about sorting for longer than we have had computers. There is still an active literature 1,2,3. We are taught that how the counts of comparisons and swaps vary with problem size...

How I started blogging (2024)

7 months ago

Why I Blog August 20, 2024 The idea of blogging always seemed so fun and yet I went many years without publishing any content online. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since highschool (over a decade ago). I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. This post walks through my journey, which starts from to...

Dropbox Acquires Reclaim.ai

7 months ago

I’m excited to share that Reclaim.ai has been acquired by Dropbox, and our team will be joining to help drive the future of productivity for hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

The cruelty of teaching computing science (1988)

7 months ago

EWD 1036 On the cruelty of really teaching computing science The second part of this talk pursues some of the scientific and educational consequences of the assumption that computers represent a radical novelty. In order to give this assumption clear contents, we have to be much more precise as to w...

The oral history of the Dinosaur Input Device

7 months ago

The oral history of the Dinosaur Input Device or: how to survive the near death of stop-motion By Ian Failes In visual effects lore, it is well-known that the full-motion dinosaurs of Jurassic Park…

Late Again

7 months ago

Awkward. Seven of us now. Sitting around the table. Five minutes since the start of the meeting. We've used up our chit-chat allowance and wonder if you will show. In the scheme of things relevant to a company's success, showing up late to a meeting is not the end of the world. When it happens a l

The Dying Computer Museum

7 months ago

One can choose to focus on the car crash, or the lessons learned from the car crash. Let’s do a little of both. The proposition of the Living Computer Museum was initially simple, and rather …

Markov chains are funnier than LLMs

7 months ago

Table Of Contents What is a Markov chain What is funny The predictability of LLMs Why this is interesting Before explaining any of these terms, let’s try to establish this anecdotally. 12:2 And I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and our sins be upon us, because of our use of not and lisp-...

On Being a Senior Engineer

7 months ago

UPDATE: I’ve added a short section on the topic of sponsorship. I think that there’s a lot of institutional knowledge in our field, especially

Postmortem of my 9 year journey at Google

7 months ago

I started writing this retrospective during my last week at Google, I have already wrapped up everything, had my goodbyes. In the spirit of SRE (as an ex-SRE), I thought it would be fun to write a little retrospective in the form of a postmortem. Introduction I joined Google young and relatively ine...

I just declined a job offer from a billionaire friend

7 months ago

LeanerCloud News LoginSubscribe 0 LeanerCloud News Posts Why I just declined a job offer from a billionaire friend Why I just declined a job offer from a billionaire friend Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu June 01, 2024 This is an expanded version of a LinkedIn post I wrote the other day. The first email...

The last secret of the H.L. Hunley

7 months ago

James McClintock designed the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley. But the extraordinary last act of his life involved Scottish bomb-makers, Irish terrorists, trance mediums equipped with death rays …

The Flywheel Effect

7 months ago

contactaboutservices JIM COLLINS Concepts Books Tools Articles View All Articles Commentary Culture Leadership Organization Self-Management Social Sectors Strategy Technology Forewords Video/Audio Young Leaders All Video/Audio What is Great? Level 5 Leadership First Who, Then What Hedgehog Concept B...

The Apple IIGS Megahertz Myth – Userlandia

7 months ago

I love the Apple IIGS. It’s a great computer, but could it have been greater? The legend goes that Apple purposefully underclocked its CPU during development to avoid competing with the Macintosh. But is this actually true? Join me for a deep dive into the IIGS architecture, the life the 65816 CPU,

The Untold Story of SQLite

7 months ago

On today's show, I'm talking to Richard Hipp about surviving becoming core infrastructure for the world. SQLite is everywhere. It's in your web browser, it's in your phone, it's probably in your car, and it's definitely in commercial planes. It's where your iMessages and WhatsApp messages are stored...

The Games People Play with Cash Flow

7 months ago

One way that first principles thinking fails is when you build your analysis up from a deficient set of base principles. Everything is correct and true, but you still end up mistaken. Here's how that looks like in practice.

How to triage patients and run a ER during a mass casualty incident

7 months ago

The night that Stephen Paddock opened fire on thousands of people at a Las Vegas country music concert, nearby Sunrise Hospital received more than 200 penetrating gunshot wound victims. Dr. Kevin Menes was the attending in charge of the ED that night, and thanks to his experience supporting a local ...

Things I learned from teaching (2023)

7 months ago

If you're teaching a topic, you're probably really passionate about it (unless, of course, the department forced you to teach the class). At the very least, I am. Chess engines are cool. Lucky for me, students taking a COLL course get little in the way of credit for the class, so most of my pupils w...

What I Learned Writing an Album in Just Intonation

7 months ago

In order to understand JI, first you have to "empty your cup". Most people's cup is occupied by 12-tone equal temperament (12TET), which defines the notes we're typically allowed to play. To understand 12TET, start with the octave: going up or down one octave means multiplying or dividing the freque...

The Goths

7 months ago

1. To assert of someone that they are “dead” can sometimes be intended, beyond the bare biological fact this might report, to mean that that person no longer matters, that they now belong to an irrelevant past.

Millions of years for plants to recover from global warming

7 months ago

Catastrophic volcanic eruptions that warmed the planet millions of years ago shed new light on how plants evolve and regulate climate. Researchers reveal the long-term effects of disturbed natural ecosystems on climate in geological history and its implications for today.

Shanghai's Automotive Metamorphosis

7 months ago

Over many visits over two decades, I have witnessed China's meteoric rise from a land of bicycles to an electric vehicle powerhouse.

Perceived Age

7 months ago

Writing About Work Perceived Age "To live is to be other. It's not even possible to feel, if one feels today what he felt yesterday. To feel today what one felt yesterday is not to feel—it's to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today’s living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost."...

Sonic Pi: Ruby as a Composition Tool

7 months ago

Sonic Pi: Ruby as a Composition Tool August 8th, 2024 Like the blip of an intro on the front page says, my degree was originally in music. My running joke as a web dev is that neither has meaningfully required me to count past 32. And while my main concentration was vocals, I've since realized I sho...

Do Quests, Not Goals

7 months ago

South Island, New Zealand, a.k.a. Middle-Earth If you were to make a list of what you want to get done this week, it would mostly consist of things you have to do. Get groceries. Book a hair appointment. Get back to so-and-so. Read that health and safety thing for work. If you were to make a list of...

Ergodic Literature

7 months ago

Ergodic literature is a subgenre of literature that upends the very fabric of storytelling itself.

The Private Life: On James Baldwin

7 months ago

“From the beginning, he displayed his own vulnerability, his own softness, sometimes as a weapon but mostly as a way of transforming an argument so that it was not a contest to be won but rather a question to be reframed.”

The Future of Open Source

7 months ago

A GitHub founder's musings on the past, present and future of large groups of people collaborating on software in awesome ways.

The ancient art of roasting agave

7 months ago

Now more famous as a distilling ingredient, agave has been a traditional food in Southern California for millennia.

The Soul of Maintaining a New Machine

7 months ago

Books in Progress is what we call a “public drafting tool”: Drafts will be made available for comment from the public, allowing for direct collaboration between author and reader.

The Composer Has No Clothes

7 months ago

The composer Tristan Foison was a plagiarizing fabulist. His brief success reveals the rot at the heart of the classical music industry.

How I Program in 2024

7 months ago

now about contact Kartik Agaram Freewheeling Apps Jul 31, 2024 How I program in 2024 I talk a lot here about using computers freely, how to select programs to use, how to decide if a program is trustworthy infrastructure one can safely depend on in the long term. I also spend my time building such i...

The Introverts Are Winning

7 months ago

Technology is enabling us to retreat from the outside world. But we should resist the urge – for ourselves and for each other

"We ran out of columns" – The best, worst codebase

7 months ago

In a large legacy system, the database is more than a place to store data, it is the culture maker. The database sets the constraints for how the system as a whole operates. It is the point where all code meets. The database is the watering hole. In our case, that watering hole had quite a bit of po...

C Isn't a Programming Language Anymore (2022)

7 months ago

C Isn't A Programming Language Anymore Aria Desires March 16th, 2022 Phantomderp and I have both recently been very aligned on a particular subject: being extremely angry about C ABIs and trying to fix them. Where we’re not aligned is why we’re mad about them. He’s trying to materially improve the c...

I Like NetBSD, or Why Portability Matters

7 months ago

NetBSD is one of the oldest BSDs still around, its initial release being in 1993. NetBSD is based on the original UCB 4.3 BSD, and upon installation provides a small old-school minimal desktop. Out of all the already niche BSD systems, it is one of the smaller ones. The more used BSDs these days are...

How Great Was the "Great Oxidation Event"?

7 months ago

Geochemical sleuthing amid acid mine runoff suggests that scientists should rethink an isotope signal long taken to indicate low levels of atmospheric oxygen in Earth’s deep past.

With CO2 Levels Rising, Drylands Are Turning Green – Yale E360

7 months ago

Despite warnings that climate change would create widespread desertification, many drylands are getting greener because of increased CO2 in the air — a trend that recent studies indicate will continue. But scientists warn this added vegetation may soak up scarce water supplies.

The Little Tech Agenda

7 months ago

The time has come to stand up for Little Tech. Bad government policies are now the #1 threat to Little Tech. We believe American technology supremacy, and the critical role that Little Tech startups play in ensuring that supremacy, is a first class political issue on par with any other.

DHH: Make Software Simple Again

7 months ago

Software industry has become more driven by profit and unnecessary complexity that by the ability to build and launch innovative products.

I love you, HN, but you're toxic (2022)

7 months ago

When I got off social media about a year ago, I wanted to replace it with something more productive, so I chose Hacker News. I had already been on HN for many years, but decided that I would start visiting it as often as I did with an app like Instagram or TikTok. If I was going to be spending hours...

Attribution is dying, clicks are dying

7 months ago

Welcome to another edition of 5-Minute Whiteboards. And folks, we've got a doozy of a topic. Yes, I'm being intentionally provocative. But it's because

50th anniversary of Vannevar Bush's passing

7 months ago

An approaching anniversary date of former MIT Chairman and Dean of Engineering Dr. Vannevar Bush prompts me to write today. As his sole biographer has just highlighted in IEEE Spectrum, this Friday will mark 50 years since the Jun. 28, 1974 passing of this individual whose footprint looms large on g...

Plan 9 Is a Uniquely Complete Operating System

8 months ago

Plan 9 is a Uniquely Complete Operating System A large contributor to the "feel" of an Operating System comes from the software it chooses to include by default. There are entire linux distributions that differentiate themselves just based on the default configured software. There is room for so man...

A man who forgot about his own wedding

8 months ago

Boogie Math Random Teaching Studying Friends About Random Teaching Studying Friends About Random Yeah, a true intellectual Is math irrelevant? Teaching kids Where is my Dirac? Why I am not Dirac You stupid teacher! Along the banks of the Nile Interested in integers Oscar Zariski - forgot about his o...

Objective-C is like Jimi Hendrix (2014)

8 months ago

The first time I heard Jimi Hendrix I had no idea what all the fuss was about. Sure, it was great, but it wasn't changing my life. Maybe a decade later, it hit me: thirty years previous, he'd changed...

The New Internet

8 months ago

We don’t talk a lot in public about the big vision for Tailscale, why we’re really here. Usually I prefer to focus on what exists right now, and what we’re going to do in the next few months. But let’s look at the biggest of big pictures for a change.

The Decline of Mobile Development

8 months ago

Mobile (Android and iOS) is getting harder and harder to develop for, and devs are leaving the platforms out of frustration and annoyance. With each new OS update a slew of new requirements have to be met otherwise you’ll face “restrictive action” against your app by a particular time. Usually this ...

Don't Let Architecture Astronauts Scare You

8 months ago

When great thinkers think about problems, they start to see patterns. They look at the problem of people sending each other word-processor files, and then they look at the problem of people sending…

Defense of Lisp Macros

8 months ago

Defense of Lisp macros Replacing Lisp's beautiful parentheses with dozens of special tools and languages, none powerful enough to conquer the whole software landscape, leads to fragmentation and extra effort from everyone, vendors and developers alike. The automotive field is a case in point. Intro ...

Cutting forests for solar energy 'misses the plot' on climate action

8 months ago

I once had a sweet, brown pit bull mix named Thembi, who had impressive musculature and a magnificent nose. Often on our walks, I would feel the leash go taut and know she’d sniffed out something tantalizing, likely a squirrel or a rabbit. She would snuffle excitedly, muzzle to the ground, tracing h...


8 months ago

Humans have always tried to live forever. Maybe you can, but not in the way you imagine.

MPPP – The first 'designer drug' disaster (2023)

8 months ago

The origin of the term is credited to Dr Gary L. Henderson, of the University of California at Davis. A designer drug is based on the structure of an existing drug – which may be naturally sourced from a plant (like cocaine or morphine) or be synthetic (like amphetamine) - but with a slightly differ...

Engage, Don't Show

8 months ago

Lea Verou Home Blog Specs Projects Speaking Publications Press About Repo Forget “show, don’t tell”. Engage, don’t show! 3 July 2024 4 min read 0 comments Report broken page

Storing UTC is not a silver bullet (2019)

8 months ago

Note: this is a pretty long post. If you’re not interested in the details, the conclusion at the bottom is intended to be read in a standalone fashion. There’s also a related blog post …

Re: Do people IRL know you have a blog?

8 months ago

This post is a response to Do people IRL know you have a blog? A short while before I came across bacardi55’s call to conversation, I asked my wife if she wanted to see something cool. She said yeah. I showed her the Reading section, and explained that I was constructing the functionality to track m...

Reflections on Luck and Skill from the Part Time Poker Grind

8 months ago

In the early hours of May 13th, 2024 and after about sixteen hours of play over two days, I achieved one of my poker dreams and outlasted 773 entrants in the RunGood Poker Series $800 No Limit Hold’em Main Event hosted at Graton Casino and Resort to claim the outright win and top prize of $85,780.

Why I left Google

8 months ago

How I became the focus of a mass ritual against generative AI, and what I did about it.

GPG and Me (2015)

8 months ago

I receive a fair amount of email from strangers. My email address is public, which doesn’t seemto be a popular choice these days, but I’ve received enough inspiring correspondence over the yearsto leave it be.When I receive a GPG encrypted email from a stranger, though, I immediately get the fee...

Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Hypothesis

8 months ago

that we are now well past an Indigo Point of exothermic core-mantle decoupling, and that we have incorrectly interpreted the heat presented by this transpiration as being caused by man's activity alone. We now face the urgent need to detect the approach of a subsequent Tau Point Dzhanibekov oscillat...

Is OpenSUSE at Crossroads?

8 months ago

Just when I thought that openSUSE was free from stupid corporate decisions, their main sponsor, SUSE S.A., came with a strange request: openSUSE should “stop using the SUSE brand”! WTF is that shit?! (H/T to Linuxiac.) 1. Lately, animosity arose around an “Open Letter to the openSUSE Board, Project ...

What Happened to Bert and T5?

8 months ago

A Blogpost series about Model Architectures Part 1: What happened to BERT and T5? Thoughts on Transformer Encoders, PrefixLM and Denoising objectives

Microsoft outage: Chaos as internet down and flights grounded around the world

8 months ago

Live Microsoft IT outage live: Chaos as internet down and flights grounded around the world Passengers have been forced to wait at check-in desks at Gatwick Airport which have been hit by the severe delays amid a global IT outage Credit: @sergepoliakoff Key moments Chosen by us to get you up to spee...

Bob Newhart, Comedy Icon, Dies at 94

8 months ago

Bob Newhart, the genteel comic whose TV series “The Bob Newhart Show” and “Newhart” were huge hits throughout the 1970s and '80s, died Thursday. 

The Semmelweis myth and why it's not true (2018)

8 months ago

To create a real impact on the world is no simple thing. Innovation is never a single event, but a process of discovery, engineering and transformation and those things rarely happen in the same place. That’s why effective innovators are great collaborators.

Panic at the Tech Job Market

8 months ago

Panic! at the Tech Job Market Panic! at the Job Market “I have the two qualities you require to see absolute truth: I am brilliant and unloved.” ready for another too-long article about personal failure while blaming the world for our faults? let’s see where we end up with 7,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 ...

I lost my love for the web (2022)

8 months ago

Josh is the founder of NiftyCo, a tech entrepreneur who has been fascinated by computers since childhood. With a career spanning over two decades, he brings various software solutions to life while embracing the challenges of entrepreneurship and coding.

The Last Avant-Garde

8 months ago

Alexander Billet reviews Dominique Routhier’s “With and Against: The Situationist International in the Age of Automation.”

Darwin Machines

8 months ago

I'm writing this because I've been obsessed with the theory of a Darwin Machine for nearly a year now and I haven't met anyone else who has heard of it.

The All-American Delusion of the Polygraph

8 months ago

A few weeks before the release of my first book, a memoir about my mother’s murder, I had to take a polygraph exam. The two things were not in fact related, but that was easy to forget once I found…

The Stratocaster Turns 70

8 months ago

Join us on a trip through Fender's factory, Custom Shop, Master Builder department and head office, in celebration of a radically innovative instrument that continues to find new ways to move music forward, even seven decades after its launch.

Quartz: A Deterministic Time Testing Library for Go

8 months ago

Learn how we enhanced TCP performance in Coder to achieve 5X faster throughput by optimizing buffer sizes, implementing the HyStart algorithm, and minimizing packet loss, significantly improving remote development experiences.

Seiko Originals: The UC-2000, A Smartwatch from 1984

8 months ago

Imagine a smart watch, but from 1984. That sounds like something straight out of a scifi film since the 80s is not exactly known for great advances in personal computing. Well, it’s real, and it is exactly what Seiko created back in the day and was known as the UC-2000 - a “personal information proc...

Tech, Crunched: How the go-to site for startup news lost its way

8 months ago

In early 2005, Michael Arrington, a lawyer, and Keith Teare, an entrepreneur, started a fund called Archimedes Ventures. Their idea at the time was to invest in Web 2.0, meaning the nascent world of web apps. They built a few products at the time. One was an online classified ad service called Edge....

How to Know When It's Time to Go

8 months ago

I retired in 2021 at 63.5 after about four decades as a programmer. What made me do this was not failing ability in any way, but after a year of consideration, I realized I didn't care to do it anymore. Everyone will eventually reach a point at which they

Building the Bell System

8 months ago

If someone was making a list of the most important American companies today, it’s unlikely AT&T would be anywhere near the top. It’s large, but not notably so: it came in 32nd in the 2024 Fortune 500 ranking, just above Comcast and below Verizon. Its offerings are not unique: it’s just one of many c...

Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security

8 months ago

There's lots of innovation going on in security - we're inundated with a steady stream of new stuff and it all sounds like it works just great. Every couple of months I'm invited to a new computer security conference, or I'm asked to write a foreword for a new computer security book. And, thanks to ...

Use a Work Journal to Recover Focus Faster and Clarify Your Thoughts

8 months ago

Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts 2024-Jul-12 You’re working on the most complex problem in computer science: fixing permissions on a deployment pipeline. It’s been 4 days you started on that simple task already. Your manager explained to you in no uncertain terms ...

Hey Google, what happened to all the fun?

8 months ago

This is the story of how Google killed a 14 year old Android app overnight. 2008 was a time when the web had mostly become ubiquitous but still before most people carried it all with them in their pocket on a smartphone. For me, a high school student at the time without a smartphone, my programming ...

Cradle: Empowering Foundation Agents Towards General Computer Control

8 months ago

Cradle: Empowering Foundation Agents Towards General Computer Control Weihao Tan3 *, Wentao Zhang3 *, Xinrun Xu5 *, Haochong Xia3 †, Ziluo Ding2 †, Boyu Li3 †, Bohan Zhou4 †, Junpeng Yue4 †, Jiechuan Jiang4 †, Yewen Li3 †, Ruyi An3 †, Molei Qin3 †, Chuqiao Zong3 †, Longtao Zheng3 †, YuJie Wu1 †, Xia...

A personal music streaming server that works

8 months ago

Host and stream your own music with ease. Open-source, modern, snappy, and comes packed with extensive features, Koel is the music streaming solution that actually works.

Why I'm Writing a Book on Cryptography (2020)

8 months ago

Why I’m Writing A Book On Cryptography posted July 2020 I’ve now been writing a book on applied cryptography for a year and a half. I’m nearing the end of my journey, as I have one last ambitious chapter left to write: next-generation cryptography (a chapter that I’ll use to talk about cryptography ...

The Typeset of Wall·E

8 months ago

From a trash-filled Earth to the futuristic Axiom and back again, WALL·E is a finely crafted balance between consumerist dystopia and sixties space-race optimism. Please join me, then, for a detail…

Why We Build Simple Software

8 months ago

In this post, we’re going to talk about the value of simplicity in software. Simple tools are easier to use, more reliable, and more valuable than their complex counterparts. First, let’s start with my car. I drive a 2020 Toyota Corolla Hybrid, which I bought used in Spring

The price of gold – how bad do you want it?

8 months ago

„If it feels too good, then it’s wrong“, says Christian Olsson, a famous Swedish triple jumper in his interview for a documentary called „The Price of Gold“.  With this sentence Olsson states that …

The Neuroscience of Resistance to Change

8 months ago

Explore how understanding the brain helps tackle resistance to change in the workplace. This article offers effective ways for leaders to boost learning and adaptability in their teams. Learn how to make learning safe and engaging, and see why small successes matter. Ideal for CEOs, CHROs, and anyon

Mouse Heaven or Mouse Hell?

8 months ago

Biologist John Calhoun’s rodent experiments gripped a society consumed by fears of overpopulation.

'It's like I drew a door and disappeared through it' (2021)

8 months ago

Homeless people in Russia have their own terms for things — people who aren’t homeless are “domestic” people, while they themselves are “street” people, or simply “bums.” Meduza’s special correspondent Irina Kravtsova spent several days with homeless people in St. Petersburg, asking them the most ob...

Doomsday Prepping: Reactionary Behavior or Inherited Instinct?

8 months ago

The Prepper Next Door In 2011, the television show Doomsday Preppers began airing on National Geographic, bringing mainstream attention to what appeared to be an obscure phenomenon. [1] The series featured “preppers” stockpiling bunkers with enormous amounts of food and ammunition while conducti

John von Neumann: The Man from the Future

8 months ago

Before I read The Man from the Future by Ananyo Bhattacharya, I only knew about John von Neumann in two contexts: that computers use the von Neumann architecture, and that he appeared in a story ab…

Microsoft Is Dead[2007]

8 months ago

April 2007 A few days ago I suddenly realized Microsoft was dead. I was talking to a young startup founder about how Google was different from Yahoo. I said that Yahoo had been warped from the start by their fear of Microsoft. That was why they'd positioned themselves as a "media company" instead of...

Tokens are a big reason today's generative AI falls short

8 months ago

techcrunch techcrunch We, TechCrunch, are part of the Yahoo family of brandsThe sites and apps that we own and operate, including Yahoo and AOL, and our digital advertising service, Yahoo Advertising.Yahoo family of brands. When you use our sites and apps, we use CookiesCookies (including similar te...

Cynicism Is Easy, Optimism takes work

8 months ago

I recently had a conversation with a friend about my twitter journey. I told him about how random accounts have responded with kindness in Dms when I was jus...

Advantages of incompetent management

8 months ago

Improving efficiency tends to be against the interest of most people in an org, because it’s equivalent to shrinking your budget. Here’s what I’m told is a true story about how things work with actual budgets. A relatively inexperienced VP attends a meeting where senior management is asked to shrink...

The Origin of Ambergris (2012)

8 months ago

Get the latest updates on new releases, special offers, and media highlights when you subscribe to our email lists!

Man-Computer Symbiosis by J. C. R. Licklider (1960)

8 months ago

The fig tree is pollinated only by the insect Blastophaga grossorun. The larva of the insect lives in the ovary of the fig tree, and there it gets its food. The tree and the insect are thus heavily interdependent: the tree cannot reproduce without the insect; the insect cannot eat without the tree; ...

The Origin of the Species: NEC PC-8001 FDD Adapter

8 months ago

NEC moved into personal computing relatively quickly. After the hobbyist and industrial success of the TK-80, they produced a handful of “better TK-80s,” which didn’t do as well as the original. Ultimately, they developed a whole new system: the 1979 NEC PC-8001. And boy, did they ever nail it.

Heavy resistance training at retirement age induces lasting beneficial effects

8 months ago

Objectives Muscle function and size decline with age, but long-term effects of resistance training in older adults are largely unknown. Here, we explored the long-lasting (3 years) effects of 1 year of supervised resistance training with heavy loads. Methods The LIve active Successful Ageing (LISA)...

The Queen's Doll's House

8 months ago

On the freaky model world of the Dollomites; plus—more lucid dreaming and a roundup of recent favorites.

BusyBeaver(5) is now known to be 47,176,870

8 months ago

The news these days feels apocalyptic to me—as if we’re living through, if not the last days of humanity, then surely the last days of liberal democracy on earth. All the more reason to…

The future is self-hosted

8 months ago

Self-hosting software comes with privacy, simple pricing and it's distributed by design. Why are we not building more self-hosted products?

Pharma firms stash profits in Europe's tax havens

8 months ago

Investigate Europe finds 15 of the world’s biggest drugmakers operate more than 1,300 subsidiaries in tax havens, as they amassed over €580 billion in global profits over the past five years. Meanwhile, patients face life-threatening delays for medicines due to high drug prices.

"Computers Are Useless" and Other Sayings

8 months ago

“Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” ~ Pablo Picasso “Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.” ~ Stan Kelly-Bootle Back then, the…

Watching "Grizzly Man" with a Bear Biologist

8 months ago

Our Gen Z editor had a secret: She had never seen Grizzly Man. We recruited bear biologist and podcast host Wesley Larson to watch it with her and recorded their reactions.

The self-hosting revolution is here

8 months ago

That's a big claim. We don't really think self-hosting is better for everyone, but read this article to see if it might be better for you.

Conway's Game of Life for curved surfaces (2012)

8 months ago

Conway’s Game of Life is one of the most popular and iconic cellular automata.  It is so famous that googling it loads up a working simulation right in your browser!  The rules for the Game o…

A Model of a Mind

8 months ago

I’m trying to make a system that can behave like a human. Consciousness is a personal motivation, but I’m not going to focus on it as a goal because it’s difficult to define well and people often disagree about it. This article instead looks at some aspects of minds that — while still challenging — ...

Work Hard

8 months ago

Every mathematician worthy of the name has experienced … the state of lucid exaltation in which one thought succeeds another as if miraculously… this feeling may last for hours at a tim…

A Bunch of Programming Advice I'd Give to Myself 15 Years Ago

8 months ago

A Bunch of Programming Advice I’d Give To Myself 15 Years Ago I finally have the feeling that I’m a decent programmer, so I thought it would be fun to write some advice with the idea of “what would have gotten me to this point faster?” I’m not claiming this is great advice for everyone, just that it...

Researchers at ETH Zurich develop the fastest possible flow algorithm

8 months ago

Before Kyng, no one had ever managed to do that – even though researchers have been working on this problem for some 90 years. Previously, it took significantly longer to compute the optimal flow than to process the network data. And as the network became larger and more complex, the required comput...

How I overcame my addiction to sugar

8 months ago

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood I remember my breakfast as a kid. It was as sugary as it gets, with cereal and milk or a good marmalade toast and a chocolate shake to start my day. I remember the highs and lows of my energy levels throughout the day or how I would look in the mirror and wonder why I grew as...

I'm Terrified of Old People

8 months ago

I used to be extremely confident in myself. I was barely 20 years old and I would tell people how to sleep, how to make friends, and how to live their lives. I started a nonprofit aiming to literally rebuild the institutions of science from the ground up. I was dismissive of everyone who didn’t impr...

Do I Regret Being 'Just' a Software Engineer?

8 months ago

Do I Regret Focusing on 'Just Being' A Software Engineer? A semi-biographical piece of reflection about being in tech, how and why I got in and my growing want to eject by me, Jacky Alciné • published Jun 29, 2024 • 14 min to read, 4217 words You can listen to me reading this post! How else to start...


8 months ago

The loop of the ☥ ankh is the Ouroboros, the endless serpent that swallows its own tail, and there is a void at its heart. Mind the gap.

What Happened to People Magazine?

8 months ago

How the Most Important Celebrity Magazine of the Last 50 Years Started Endorsing "The Best Air Purifiers of 2024"

Everything I Knew About Stretching Was Wrong

8 months ago

In the past 12 months my body’s mobility and flexibility went from abysmal, a source of persistent pain impacting my quality of life, to pretty darn good. I’m not about to become a stretching influencer, but after a year of researching, trial and error, and hard work I feel back on track and like I....

A dev's thoughts on developer productivity

9 months ago

Developers are systems thinkers and yet, most measures of developer productivity are metrics-based, instead of systems-based. In this post, Sourcegraph co-founder and CTO Beyang Liu presents five charts that visualize what really matters for developer productivity.

Is Everything BS?

9 months ago

BS (behavioral science) without creativity—indeed BS without a tiny little whiff of BS (meaning bullshit)—is actually suboptimal.

A New Package for Making Charts in Emacs: Eplot

9 months ago

One of the items on my todo list was: And that’s because I’ve been looking for an easy way to do simple plots for yonks. When I did a post about movie ratings, I tried chart.el: It&#821…

American Singapore(s): Competent city governance hiding in plain sight

9 months ago

Everyone talks about Singapore as an effective (but some say cold) governance model. Many people wish that American cities and towns could follow Singapore's example. However, the ingredients of its success can already be found throughout America. With plenty of cities delivering impressive results....

The Singularity Is Nearer

9 months ago

The noted inventor and futurist’s successor to his landmark book The Singularity Is Near explores how technology will transform the human race in the decades to come Since it was first published...

Paramount Erases Mtv.com Archives, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30+ Years

9 months ago

MTV.com is gone. Kaput. Wiped off the face of the Earth. Parent company Paramount, formerly Viacom, has tossed twenty plus years of news archives. All that’s left is a placeholder site for reality shows. The M in MTV – music — is gone, and so is all the reporting and all the journalism performed by ...

Indonesia’s Emergence

9 months ago

Indonesia’s emergence was both more violent and more pioneering than commonly imagined

How to Do The Jhanas

9 months ago

The jhanas are a series of eight (or nine) altered mental states, which progress from euphoria, to calm, to dissolution of reality – culminating in cessation, or loss of consciousness. They are induced via sustained concentration, without any external stimuli or substances. This is a practical guide...

A Person of Compute

9 months ago

We will define one person of compute as 20 PFLOPS (64 A100s, or a single dense 42U A100 rack). We are in the era of the 1 rack person, consuming about 30kW to provide those 20 PFLOPS.

Why your brain is 3 milion more times efficient than GPT-4

9 months ago

Wild ramblings, raport from the field about choosing Vector Database for a particular project and a little bit of a rant about the current state of AI and how it's perceived, why human brains are a wonder of nature, and why it's far from 'thinking' and 'consciousness'.

Infinitone Microtonal Saxophone

9 months ago

Music is widely considered to be a freeing experience of self-expression. But you may be surprised to learn that the twelve musical tones that shape o...

After my dad died, I ran and sold his company (2018)

9 months ago

From tech in NYC to chemical manufacturing in Nasik (India), here’s a guide that hopefully nobody ever needs. On April 17, 2017 my dad died. It was the worst day of my life. It was also the day I started to lead a second company – his company. (Note: the first company is CB Insights.) His company wa...

A Forth Story (1995)

9 months ago

Groups Conversations All groups and messages Send feedback to Google Help Training Sign in Groups comp.lang.forth Conversations About Privacy • Terms info Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or subscriptions. Historical content remains viewable. Dismiss Learn more     A Forth Story...

Climate Zones

9 months ago

Explore how will your city feel in the future.

A Rant about Front-end Development

9 months ago

I am a front-end developer who is FED up about front-end development. If you write front-end, this isn't about you personally. It's about how your choices make me angry. Also this is about how my choices have made me angry. Also this is mostly just about choices, the technologies are incidental. Not...

Thoughts on Desktop Operating Systems in 2024

9 months ago

In the mid-to-late 90s I had my first encounters with computers. I remember playing Oregon Trail on an Apple II in elementary school, typing random letters and numbers on a friends MS-DOS machine to print out on a dot-matrix printer, and disassembling old broken PCs and HDDs for fun and a peek at th...

Notes on Tajikistan

9 months ago

Over the summer, I spent about two weeks in Tajikistan, mostly in Dushanbe (the capital) and various points along the Pamir Highway, which borders Afghanistan and later leads into Kyrgyzstan. This …

Free software hijacked Philip Hazel's life

9 months ago

LWN .net News from the source Content Weekly Edition Archives Search Kernel Security Events calendar Unread comments LWN FAQ Write for us Edition Return to the Front page User: Password: | | Subscribe / Log in / New account How free software hijacked Philip Hazel's life [LWN subscriber-only content]...

1/25-Scale Cray C90 Wristwatch

9 months ago

1/25-Scale Cray C90 Wristwatch “Ah, it’s time to order a more practical watch!” Welcome to the latest edition of my on-going series in Cray-related computational necromancy. This was another just-for-fun project. Over the many years Andras and I have been working on our Cray revival efforts, there h...

Fast Crimes at Lambda School

9 months ago

Two days after his company's downfall, Austen Allred wrote: I wish people could see how ugly it is to be envious, and how obvious it is to those around you when that's what's happening. There's not much uglier than trying to tear someone down because they achieved what you wish

The hacking of culture and the creation of socio-technical debt

9 months ago

The Hacking of Culture and the Creation of Socio-Technical Debt Culture is increasingly mediated through algorithms. These algorithms have splintered the organization of culture, a result of states and tech companies vying for influence over mass audiences. One byproduct of this splintering is a shi...

Fern Hollow Bridge should have been closed years before it collapsed

9 months ago

[Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] On January 28, 2022, about an hour before dawn, the four-lane Fern Hollow Bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, collapsed without warning. Five vehicles, including an articulating bus, fell with the bridge, and another car drove o

One year of solo dev, wrapping up the grant-funded work

9 months ago

A year ago I walked out of the office for the last time. I handed in my corpo laptop, said some good-byes, and since then I have been my own boss. This first year has been funded by an NLnet grant, which I’m in the midst of wrapping up. As of now, the work is all done, the final request for payment ...

Peak Population Projections

9 months ago

Peak Population Projections Posted on 2024-06-04 by tmurphy Last week, I reported the surprising realization that official population projections from the United Nations adhere to a notion of future fertility that appears to be immediately at odds with present real trends. The recent rapid decline i...


The Public Interest Internet, by Robin Berjon

9 months ago

What if the internet were public interest technology? Is that too wildly speculative? I think not. I am not talking about a utopian project here — a public interest internet would be a glorious imperfect mess and it would be far from problem-free. But while there is a lot of solid thinking about var...


A Note on Essential Complexity

9 months ago

The fact that we can’t remove essential complexity with a software redesign doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do about it. What if the problem definition wasn’t outside of our purview? What if we could get the world to conform to the software, and not just the other way around?

Humans began to rapidly accumulate technological knowledge 600k years ago

9 months ago

Science and technology ASU study points to origin of cumulative culture in human evolution Humans began to rapidly accumulate technological knowledge through social learning around 600,000 years ago Stone tools that become increasingly more complex over the course of 3 million years. Left: First tim...

Being laid off and unplanned entrepreneurship

9 months ago

〰️ it’s weird to look back; I sometimes get confused on how I got here 〰️ Most folks dream of being entrepreneur; “a path that seemed inevitable“, they say. None of that shit applies to me. I’m only here cause I kept getting laid off and that nonsense infuriated me. I treated my first layoff ... Rea...

OpenBSD, the computer appliance maker's secret weapon

9 months ago

Between our ESP32 prokaryotic organisms and our 24/7 Internet-enabled megafauna servers, there exists a vast and loosely-defined ecosystem of things the B2B world likes to call computer appliances. Picture a bespoke Pi 4 packaged up neatly with some Python scripts, a little fancy plastic embossing, ...

Voyager Spacecraft and Fortran 5

9 months ago

The Voyager program took advantage of a rare planetary alignment to send two spacecraft on a tour of the solar system's gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition to the cameras and scientific instruments, each Voyager has 3 computers (plus their backups, for a total of 6):

The Theft of the Ghent Altarpiece

9 months ago

Missing Pieces The Theft of the Ghent Altarpiece When a priceless altarpiece was stolen from a Belgian cathedral it sparked a 90-year hunt. The crime remains unsolved. Alexander Lee | Published in History Today Volume 74 Issue 6 June 2024 Early on the morning of 11 April 1934 the sacristan of St Bav...

Book: Just Enough Software Architecture

9 months ago

This is the book I wish I had when I started developing software. At the time, there were books on languages and books on object-oriented programming, but few books on design. Knowing the features of the C++ language does not mean you can design a good object-oriented system, nor does knowing the Un...

The Sociological Study of Mental Illness: A Historical Perspective (2016)

9 months ago

Mental illness, as the eminent historian of psychiatry Michael MacDonald once aptly remarked, “is the most solitary of afflictions to the people who experience it; but it is the most social of maladies to those who observe its effects.” It is precisely the many social and cultural dimensions of ment...

Useful and Overlooked Skills

9 months ago

On his way to be sworn in as the most powerful man in the world, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had to…

Tesla's FSD – A Useless Technology Demo

9 months ago

Tesla's FSD - a Useless Technology Demo May 20, 2024 Introduction Rules of Engagement Test Ride 1: from Kings Beach to Truckee (11 miles) Test Ride 2: I-80 from Truckee to Blue Canyon (36 miles) Test Ride 3: from West-Valley College to I-85 Entrance (1 mile) Conclusion Introduction In the past month...

Spaced repetition for teaching two-year olds how to read

9 months ago

This father has been using spaced repetition (Anki) to teach his children how to read several years earlier than average. Michael Nielsen and Gwern tweeted about the interesting case of a reddit user, u/caffeine314 (henceforth dubbed “CoffeePie”), who has been using spaced repetition with his daught...

Sidebar Is Taking a Break

9 months ago

I started Sidebar in the fall of 2012. At the time my vision was to create a “Hacker News for design”, a place where designers could come to showcase their work and discover new resources.

Why I Bought an Encyclopedia

9 months ago

NOTE: This is a companion post to my piece in Public Books, 'The Encylopedia Project: Or, how to know in…

The Art of the Epigraph

9 months ago

I didn't have a great need to write that story, but the quote would have fit it so perfectly I actually have an unfinished draft somewhere in my discarded Word documents.

Is Aschenbrenner's 165 page paper on AI the naivety of a 25 year old?

9 months ago

As a nerdy teen I hated neural networks in data science because I couldn’t train one to multiply two-digit numbers and had a friend who wanted to build a movie scene detector like Shazam did with songs, which I couldn’t do no matter how I tried — perceptual hashing + NNs — it was too early. I believ...

Edward C. Stone, 1936-2024

9 months ago

Caltech mourns the loss of Edward C. Stone, leader of humanity’s first foray into interstellar space.

Notational Intelligence (2022)

9 months ago

I spent the last month wondering and investigating how we might design better workflows for creative work that meld the best of human intuition and machine intelligence. I think a promising path is in the design of notation. More explicitly, I believe inventing better notations can contribute far mo...

Welcome to the Era of Garbage Film and Television Streaming

9 months ago

Private equity and monopoly capitalists will destroy anything to make a buck, and they’ve turned their sights on TV and film. If you hated cable’s high prices, endless ads, and copycat programming, you’re going to loathe the future of streaming.

It is time for more holistic practices in mental health

9 months ago

Skip to main content Advertisement PLOS Mental Health Publish Submissions Submission Guidelines Figures Tables Supporting Information LaTeX What We Publish Preprints Revising Your Manuscript Submit Now Calls for Papers Policies Best Practices in Research Reporting Human Subjects Research Animal Rese...

The Functional Programming Hiring Problem

9 months ago

The Functional Programming Hiring Problem June 9, 2024 | 20 min. read If you've ever seen a discussion of functional programming languages on the Internet, you'll have probably noticed one talking point in particular that comes up frequently. For the sake of generalization, let's make up a hypotheti...

On being brought up by libertarian economists

9 months ago

The central fact about child rearing by my parents was the equal intellectual status of everyone in the family. My sister and I did not get a vote on the family budget; we were not the ones who had earned the money. But in any disagreement the question was always who had good arguments, not who was ...

Heretical thoughts about science and society

9 months ago

1. The Need for Heretics In the modern world, science and society often interact in a perverse way. We live in a technological society, and technology causes political problems. The politicians and the public expect science to provide answers to the problems. Scientific experts are paid and encourag...

A ChatGPT mistake cost us $10k

9 months ago

We first turned on monetization for our startup last May. We had low expectations but were pleasantly surprised when we got our first customer wi...

A Revolution in Biology

9 months ago

how developmental biology might contain the secrets to life, intelligence, and immortality

DARPA Spent $1B Trying to Build a Real-Life Skynet in the 1980s (2013)

9 months ago

From 1983 to 1993 DARPA spent over $1 billion on a program called the Strategic Computing Initiative. The agency's goal was to push the boundaries of computers, artificial intelligence, and robotics to build something that, in hindsight, looks strikingly similar to the dystopian future of the Termin

Everything about Mars is the worst (2017)

9 months ago

At first glance, Mars seems pretty nice. The sun warms its rusty surface to a balmy 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and gentle breezes ruffle its dirt. Sp…

PiDP-10 – a modern replica of the PDP-10

9 months ago

The PiDP-10 DEC's 1968 mainframe that became a hacker playground at the MIT AI Lab The MIT AI Lab, with a PDP-10 at its heart, was hugely important in computer history, with many 'firsts' on its record. Over the past decade, a group of enthusiasts did a full reconstruction of the Lab's hardware and ...

Fixing a knockoff Altera USB Blaster that never worked

9 months ago

Downtown Doug Brown Thoughts from a combined Apple/Linux/Windows geek. Home About Mac ROM SIMMs Software Microcontroller lessons Contact Jun 08 Fixing a knockoff Altera USB Blaster that never worked Doug Brown Linux, Microcontrollers, Windows 2024-06-08 What follows is the story of how I fixed not o...

The Backrooms of the Internet Archive

9 months ago

The Backrooms of the Internet Archive Posted on June 1, 2024 by Jason Scott Like many bits of Internet Culture, this simple image of an empty series of rooms represents a deep-repressed or recently-remembered memory of a common Internet Legend, or it’s just a shot of nothing. If the answer is that i...

Fighting an anti-doping finding

9 months ago

The short story In order to fully understand everything that has happened, I strongly encourage you to read the full article below, but this is a very short summary of what I want to say. On 28th J…

I rage-converted my RTX4090 into an eGPU

9 months ago

One evening back in January I finally had enough of thermal issues within my homelab server. You know, every time the computer fans make more noise than I think they should, I can't help but investigate! Also, the RTX4090 is so thick that it takes 3 PCIe slots worth of space on a typical motherboard...

Desktop Linux is an Untapped Gold Mine

9 months ago

The short comings of the current state of the Linux desktop experience. The potential that Linux have in becoming the true one OS to rule them all compared to Windows and Mac OS.

Quieting the Global Growl

9 months ago

Underwater noise from ships has gotten louder, reshaping marine ecosystems and the lives of animals that depend on sounds to eat, mate, and navigate. Can ships ever pipe down?

Generative AI Handbook: A Roadmap for Learning Resources

9 months ago

This document aims to serve as a handbook for learning the key concepts underlying modern artificial intelligence systems. Given the speed of recent development in AI, there really isn’t a good textbook-style source for getting up-to-speed on the latest-and-greatest innovations in LLMs or other gene...

The Misfit Who Built the IBM PC

9 months ago

Don Estridge broke all of Big Blue's rules to create the home computer. The company would never forgive him for it.

I. From GPT-4 to AGI: Counting the OOMs

9 months ago

AGI by 2027 is strikingly plausible. GPT-2 to GPT-4 took us from ~preschooler to ~smart high-schooler abilities in 4 years. Tracing trendlines in compute (~0.5 orders of magnitude or OOMs/year), algorithmic efficiencies (~0.5 OOMs/year), and “unhobbling” gains (from chatbot to agent), we should expe...

An intergenerational crime against humanity

9 months ago

If currently implemented policies are continued with no increase in ambition, there is a 90% chance that the Earth will warm between 2.3°C and 4.5°C, with a best estimate of 3.5°C.

I Think, Therefore I Relate

9 months ago

Photographs and words by Jake Eshelman,Contributing Editor of Ecological Thinking I Think, Therefore I Relate: An Affirming Meander into Ecological Thinking By Jake Eshelman Sign up for our monthly newsletter! O ne of the joys of having a research-creation practice is fielding questions from people ...

The Moral Economy of the Shire

9 months ago

Who paid for this? There’s a certain meme that I see making the rounds on Facebook every so often about the bucolic nature of life in the Shire, from Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord o…

Mamba-2 – State Space Duality

9 months ago

Tri Dao Toggle navigation About Blog Publications Repositories ctrl k State Space Duality (Mamba-2) Part I - The Model Contents The SSD Model The Linear (SSM) Mode The Quadratic (Attention) Mode State Space Duality SSD vs. State Space Models SSD vs. Attention Best of Both Worlds The Mamba-2 Architec...

The Decline of the User Interface

9 months ago

Software has never looked cooler, but user interface design and user experience have taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Inequality Without Class

9 months ago

To grasp where inequality is headed—much less to reduce it—we will need to look beyond the economic.

Just Live

9 months ago

The philosopher Galen Strawson ponders meaning in life and critiques the idea of narrativity

Anthropic Chief of Staff: These next 3 years might be the last few that I work

9 months ago

Avital Balwit May 17, 2024 Articles My Last Five Years of Work Zack Minor/Woman walking on seashore. I am 25. These next three years might be the last few years that I work. I am not ill, nor am I becoming a stay-at-home mom, nor have I been so financially fortunate to be on the brink of voluntary r...

Scientific glassblower continues century-old campus tradition (2021)

9 months ago

February 19, 2021 Gretchen Kell | UC Berkeley media relations Jim Breen has been the campus’s glassblower for 18 years. (UC Berkeley video by Roxanne Makasdjian and Stephen McNally) To find Room B63 in the nondescript, industrial basement of UC Berkeley’s Hildebrand Hall, it’s best to follow your ea...

Why Did She Stop Writing?

9 months ago

Her first film adaptation stars Blake Lively and hits theaters this summer, but readers and TikTok haters wonder what’s next. So does she.

An Algorithmic Solution to Insomnia

9 months ago

I’ve struggled with insomnia for all of my adult life. It began in college and has waxed and waned in severity ever since, correlating with stress levels but not entirely.

Steam's Last Stand

9 months ago

In the year 1900, automobile sales in the United States were divided almost evenly among three types of vehicles: automakers sold about 1,000 cars powered by internal combustion engines, but over 1…

A Week with Elixir (Joe Armstrong)

9 months ago

@var title = "A week with Elixir" @var tags = "elixir" About a week ago I started looking at [[http://elixir-lang.org][Elixir]] Elixir had been one of those things that I was vaguely aware of but had not yet time to look at in any detail. This all changed when I discovered the announcement that Da...

Don't DRY Your Code Prematurely

9 months ago

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Tes...

Lisbon, a city dying from its own success

9 months ago

A traditional mix of authenticity, melancholy, rusticity and modernity, the Portuguese capital has become a mecca for international tourism. But it has paid the price in the form of gentrification and the loss of its essence

The Ghosts of New Atheism Still Haunt Us

9 months ago

This week, Defector has turned itself over to a guest editor. Brandy Jensen, former editor at Gawker (RIP) and The Outline (RIP), and writer of the Ask A Fuck Up advice column (subscribe here!), has curated a selection of posts around the theme of Irrational Attachments. Enjoy! New Atheism feels tod...

Three Laws of Software Complexity

9 months ago

I posit that most software engineers (particularly those working on infrastructural systems) are destined to wallow in unnecessary complexity due to three fundamental laws.

What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs

9 months ago

In this section, we share best practices for the core components of the emerging LLM stack: prompting tips to improve quality and reliability, evaluation strategies to assess output, retrieval-augmented generation ideas to improve grounding, and more. We also explore how to design human-in-the-loop ...

Marc Andreessen wants you to stay in school

9 months ago

Marc Andreessen isn’t always known for his good advice, but he was right in one memorable exchange: When asked by a Stanford student if they should drop out of college, he responded, “Stay in school. Because if you’re going to drop out, you won’t listen to me anyway.” As a college dropout, this advi...

Saying Goodbye to ICQ

9 months ago

With ICQ shutting down on June 26, 2024, I can’t help but feel nostalgic. Remember your old ICQ UIN? I tried to find mine but no luck. How about you? Do you remember yours? ICQ was the first messaging software I truly loved and the one that got me into the messaging industry. I still

How does AI impact my job as a programmer?

9 months ago

Four ginever glasses sit on a mirrored table at Distilleerderij’t Nieuwe Diep in Fevopark, Amsterdam. Only one manufacturer makes these glasses, and it’s closing. The distillery stockpi…


I Miss BSD/Linux

9 months ago

I miss BSD/Linux. Or was that GNU/Unix, I’m not sure? Silly jokes to get a statistical …

How to Survive the Election

10 months ago

17 useful concepts to survive the election Listen to the losers, not the winners It's time to swot up. (HM Treasury) It's time to swot up. (HM Treasury) 2024 General ElectionADHDChristopher HitchensnoneSocietyWalt Disney Gurwinder Bhogal May 27, 2024 4 mins We humans are neophiles; we’re drawn to wh...

My new PSU burns out I fix it, and torture it by cracking water

10 months ago

My new PSU burns out! I fix it, and torture it by cracking water... May 2024 Electronics Science My brand new PSU, the most complicated circuit I designed and built just recently, started life in October 2023. It seemed to work pretty well, at least I got through the long and dark winter with it fee...

Old dogs, new CSS tricks

10 months ago

A lot of new CSS features have shipped in the last years, but actual usage is still low. One of the biggest barriers: we need to re-wire our own brains.

It's Settled, More Nuclear Energy Means Less Mining

10 months ago

The Breakthrough Institute is an environmental research center based in Berkeley, California. Our research focuses on identifying and promoting technological solutions to environmental and human development challenges in three areas: energy, conservation, and food and farming.

More Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Time (2012)

10 months ago

A couple of days ago I decided to [write down some of the things I've learned about testing][testing_post] over the course of the last [several years.][codeascraft] In the course of enumerating the...

A Journey to the Medical Netherworld (2016)

10 months ago

If your child gets sick, hope for something mechanical. Failing that, wish for something commonplace. This is a mother's quest to find her daughter a diagnosis.

To the brain, reading computer code is not the same as reading language

10 months ago

MIT neuroscientists have found reading computer code does not rely on the regions of the brain involved in language processing. Instead, it activates the “multiple demand network,” which is also recruited for complex cognitive tasks such as solving math problems or crossword puzzles.

How to monitor steel alloys with Grafana

10 months ago

Christopher Field is one of the winners of the 2024 Golden Grot Awards. Find out why his win is a testament to all the non-traditional use cases for Grafana dashboards.

Where Are the Builders?

10 months ago

Where are the builders? Posted on May 9, 2024 by near What are the brightest and most ambitious minds of our generation currently working on? Here is a video from someone who spent 7 months building minecraft inside of minecraft by painstakingly constructing a redstone computer inside of it with its...

The deskilling of web dev is harming us all

10 months ago

Even before the web developer job market became as dire as it is today, I was regularly seeing developers burn out and leave the industry. Some left for good; some only temporarily.

Essays on programming I think about a lot

10 months ago

Computers can be understood • Choose Boring Technology • The Wrong Abstraction • Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names • The Hiring Post • The Product-Minded Engineer • Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to extend • The Law of Leaky Abstractions • Reflections on software performance • ...

RAG 2.0

10 months ago

Today, we’re announcing RAG 2.0, our approach for developing robust and reliable AI for enterprise-grade performance. Unlike the previous generation of RAG, which stitches together frozen models, vector databases, and poor quality embeddings, our system is optimized end to end. Using RAG 2.0, we’ve ...


Working Smarter, Not Harder

10 months ago

Trisha shares how her working practices changed after having children, and includes tips for how working parents can get more from their time

Golden Gate Claude

10 months ago

When we turn up the strength of the “Golden Gate Bridge” feature, Claude’s responses begin to focus on the Golden Gate Bridge. For a short time, we’re making this model available for everyone to interact with.

Strategic Altruism

10 months ago

Nice Nazis, friendly factory farmers, and the evolution of sincere but selective moral instincts

Taking Risk – Startups in UK vs. US

10 months ago

I just spent a week talking with some exceptional students from three of the UK's top universities; Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College. Along with UCL, these British universities represent 4 of...


10 months ago

mmap(blog) Posts About Atom Feed Enlightenmentware ✏ 2024-05-20 ✂ 2024-05-20 UNIX Git Emacs Boost.Graph Bazel Conclusion As programmers, we interact with software tools daily. Most of them can barely get the job done. But once in a white, we discover a piece of software that transcends mere utility....

Paying freelancers in equity and dividends

10 months ago

Gumroad pays freelancers around the world $125-$200/hr. They choose how much of this they’d like to get in equity–between 0 and 80%. Equity entitles one to annual dividends.

Meringue Philosophy

10 months ago

I published this entry both in my old and new blogs, and I repost it here in its entirety.

Woke Invades the Sciences

10 months ago

A quarter-century ago, the “Science Wars” — an unfortunate military metaphor applied to an intellectual debate — pitted a motley crew of postmodernist-influenced literary scholars and social…

Will Better Superconductors Transform the World?

10 months ago

Scientists are pursuing materials that can conduct electricity with perfect efficiency under ambient conditions. In this episode, the physicist Siddharth Shanker Saxena tells co-host Janna Levin about what makes this hunt so difficult and consequential.

The Ambling Mind

10 months ago

The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 6


Cyber Security: A Pre-War Reality Check

10 months ago

This is a lightly edited transcript of my presentation today at the ACCSS/NCSC/Surf seminar ‘Cyber Security and Society’. I want to thank the organizers for inviting me to their conference & giving me a great opportunity to talk about something I worry about a lot. Here are the original slides with ...

Malleable software in the age of LLMs (2023)

10 months ago

All computer users may soon have the ability to author small bits of code. What structural changes does this imply for the production and distribution of software?

Confronting Another Axis? History, Humility, and Wishful Thinking

10 months ago

Drawing on his extensive experience as a historian and diplomat, Philip Zelikow warns that the United States faces an exceptionally volatile time in global politics and that the period of maximum danger might be in the next one to three years. He highlights lessons from the anti-American partnership...

Ideas and Creativity (2019)

10 months ago

Ideas and Creativity Tags: musings, research Published on Sunday, November 17, 2019 « Previous post: A short analysis of ICLR 2020 reviews — Next post: The Misunderstood Stoic » Developing ideas is the central aspect of many professions, including—but certainly not limited to—academic research and s...

Urban Renewal Ruined Everything

10 months ago

The destructive nature of urban renewal left the U.S. too scared to build anything at scale ever again.

The Forged Apple Employee Badge

10 months ago

Here’s a quick and cautionary tale. This eBay auction, spotted by Eric Vitiello, immediately caught my eye: Wow. Someone was selling Apple Employee #10’s employee badge?! What an incred…

We've All Felt It

10 months ago

It’s not about saving time… It’s about never wasting it.

Why Bad CEOs Fear Remote Work (2021)

10 months ago

Remote work expert David Tate wrote that when fearful CEOs talk about workplace culture, they’re really talking about workplace control. Their insecurities demand that the way work is done by emplo…

Swift sucks at web serving or does it?

10 months ago

Swift sucks at web serving… or does it? May 15, 2024 by Contents Benchmark method & apparatus Benchmark results Debugging the benchmark Domain experts weigh in Examining the load The “right” load A “fair” load Do these improvements apply to the other cases too? …but… why is the success rate still we...

A 'plague' comes before the fall: lessons from Roman history

10 months ago

Just 50 years after the Roman Empire grew to its largest size, a mysterious and crippling pandemic known as the Antonine plague brought it to its knees. Research on climate change and in other areas is shedding light into how the plague, which preceded centuries of decline, emerged to pack such a de...

Fastest rate of natural carbon dioxide rise over the last 50k years

10 months ago

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Today’s rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase is 10 times faster than at any other point in the past 50,000 years, researchers have found through a detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice. The findings, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of ...

Review: The Variational Principles of Mechanics

10 months ago

The Variational Principles of Mechanics, Cornelius Lanczos (University of Toronto Press, 1949). While sailing a little boat the other day, I thought of a new way to troll the Aristotelians. I love it when my hobbies converge like that, and if the second one sounds a little mean-spirited, well, remem...

Muse Retrospective

10 months ago

The inside story of four years building Muse, a canvas-based thinking tool for iPad and Mac.

New work extends the thermodynamic theory of computation

10 months ago

In a paper published in Physical Review X on May 13, a quartet of physicists and computer scientists expand the modern theory of the thermodynamics of computation. By combining approaches from statistical physics and computer science, the researchers introduce mathematical equations that reveal the ...

ChatGPT has EQ now

10 months ago

In AI systems, multi-modality is the holy grail. When I was working on self-driving cars, that was also the dream architecture: one big model that takes in all of the sensors as inputs (sound, visual, lidar, radar) and makes decisions directly. For technical reasons, this is really hard to do (compu...

References Are Like Jumps

10 months ago

References are like jumps May 13, 2024 In a high-level language, the programmer is deprived of the dangerous power to update his own program while it is running. Even more valuable, he has the power to split his machine into a number of separate variables, arrays, files, etc.; when he wishes to upda...

Outdoor time is good for kids' eyesight

10 months ago

NPR > Shots - Health News Outdoor time is good for your kids' eyesight. Here's why By Maria Godoy Monday, May 13, 2024 • 5:00 AM EDT Heard on Morning Edition If you're a parent struggling to get your kids' off their devices and outdoors to play, here's another reason to keep trying: Spending at leas...

The Great Flattening

10 months ago

Apple’s iPad ad might not have been good for Apple, but it was a profound encapsulation of what has happened on the Internet; the question is what it leads to next.

The Star Destroyer and Imperial Military Doctrine

10 months ago

Fireside this week! Next week, with luck, I’ll have my ‘On the Reign of Alexander III of Macedon’ up as an addendum to our discussion of Hellenistic armies. But in the meantime, i…

Professional Corner-Cutting

10 months ago

Steve Jobs famously cared about the unseen backs of cabinets. Antique furniture built with hand tools isn’t like that at all. Cabinetmakers made each part to the tolerance that mattered. The …

The Age of Rage: Why Are People Are So Angry?

10 months ago

The Age of Rage: Why are People are So Angry? According to a 2018 Guardian article, we are living in an ‘age of rage’. Such anger is often framed as having an ideological or political bend or etiology (e.g. Trump, Biden, Covid). Another article The West needs to grow up argues that infantilism is to...

The Software Behind Silicon

10 months ago

Learn about the $80 billion company that makes the software behind AI, mobile, and automotive chips. Plus: are we at the end of Moore's Law?

100 Years of IBM

10 months ago

Home • Tikalon Innovation Service Model • About • Links • Blog • Contact 100 Years of IBM May 6, 2024 There are considerable statistics on human life expectancy. Men in the United States are expected to live 76 years, and women are expected to live nearly 81 years. These are actually lower than for ...


10 months ago

A simple explanation of the various technologies inside touchscreens.

A Record of Old Kashgar

10 months ago

The Uyghur city in Xinjiang has been disrupted by outside forces through history — of which Chinese rebuilding is the latest change. A book of images and stories records what it once was.

Daniel Dennett: 'Where Am I?'

10 months ago

Dennett's classic story raises deep philosophical questions about identity and consciousness.

A Useful Productivity Measure for Software Engineering?

10 months ago

A Useful Productivity Measure? May 5, 2024 In my new role as VP of Engineering, there was one question I was dreading more than any other: “How are you measuring productivity?” I can’t fault the question. I mean, sure, I’d rather it be phrased about how I’m improving productivity, rather than how I’...

C Isn't a Hangover; Rust Isn't a Hangover Cure

10 months ago

It seems there are too many people in the security industry that are too fast to condemn C/C++, touting the virtues of Rust without fully understanding the nuances and implications. Rust may be a safer language but it’s not that simple.


10 months ago

One year ago today, I decided to quit my job.

How to style React applications while the world burns around us

10 months ago

<p>What tools would you reach for today to style the UI for a <a href='https://medium.com/all-the-things/the-trouble-with-saas-279694551b25'>hyper-customizable app</a>? I just spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to understand the current landscape and settle on the perfect framework. I was...

Small Things

10 months ago

The Future Does Not Fit in the Containers of the Past. Edition 195.

Winged lions through time and space

10 months ago

May 4, 2024 @ 6:45 pm · Filed by Victor Mair under Borrowing, Epigraphy, Language and archeology, Language and culture, Language and history, Language contact

In praise of idleness – Bertrand Russell

10 months ago

Can't switch off from work? Envy those 'lazy' strikers? In this 1932 essay, Bertrand Russell, socialist and winner of some minor award called the Nobel Prize in Literature, presents the case for idleness. One can also download and/ or listen to an audio version here.

A love letter to bicycle maintenance and repair

10 months ago

It was the 28th of June, 2020; the perfect summer day. I remember it distinctly because of two important events that took place on that day. The first was the unfortunate discovery that I am highly sensitive to the venomous hairs of the Oak processionary caterpillar. If you’ve never wished you could...

Art and Memory

10 months ago

We think we remember works of art rather well; and probably assume that the greater the work of art, and the more...

I'm closing up shop on my Mastodon for the foreseeable future

10 months ago

It’s not you. It’s me. (Taking a break from Mastodon) April 4, 2024March 17, 2024 I’m closing up shop on my Mastodon for the foreseeable future. I have for the most part very much enjoyed my experience on the Fediverse, and experts say that Mastodon is one of the components of the Fediverse. Mastodo...

César Aira's Magic

10 months ago

How the eccentric Argentine author came to occupy the center of Latin American literature.


We can have a different web

10 months ago

Many yearn for the “good old days” of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.

Good enough is good enough

10 months ago

Home Blog Log in Get Support Chat with organizers Support unavailable Please try again later

Dear Europe, please wake up

10 months ago

Europe is special to me as I consider myself a proud European, but damn we need to talk. Europe please wake up.


Save the Web by Being Nice

10 months ago

A common complaint amongst the old guard bloggers is that the old web as we knew it is dying. This is false.The old web has actually been dead for many...

Project Habbakuk: Britain's Ice "Bergship" Aircraft Carrier Project

10 months ago

In the early 1940s, German submarines (U-Boats) were wreaking havoc on Allied forces in the Atlantic Ocean, sinking ships, and threatening to turn the tide of the war. What the Allies of WWII needed was something literally too big to fail. And one inventor working for the British Combined Operations...

Struve's Flat(ter) Earth (2023)

10 months ago

In the first Map Story we met Eratosthenes, who tried to calculate the size of the Earth almost 2300 years ago (and got really pretty close). Today we’ll meet

No One Should Have That Much Power

10 months ago

It’s a common spy thriller trope. There’s a special key that can unlock something critical – business records, bank vaults, government secrets, nuclear weapons, maybe all of the above, worldwide.

Why We Hate Working for Big Companies (2018)

10 months ago

It’s quite a journey from being born on a commune to raising more than $87m in funding at a software company. This journey forced me to wrestle with existential questions about my true beliefs, and how they intersected my life as an entrepreneur. One’s work is rarely a pure reflection of ideology, b...

Apple MacBook Air 15-Inch M3 Review

10 months ago

The Apple MacBook Air 15-inch M3 is a near-perfect combination of silent and effortless performance, epic battery life, and elegant design.

"Jewish Mathematics"?

10 months ago

Quick math-personality quiz: What is seven-and-one-fourth minus three-fourths, expressed as a mixed number (a whole number plus a proper fraction)? What matters isn’t what answer you get but how yo…

Tales from an Attic

10 months ago

Suitcases once belonging to residents of a New York State mental hospital tell the stories of long-forgotten lives

The Voyage of Magellan – Chapter 5: Underway

10 months ago

The Voyage of Magellan Chapter 5: Underway Apr 26, 2024 September 20 – October 3, 1519 At nearly the same instant that Magellan’s carracks sailed from Sanlúcar, a dozen or so sleek, swift Portuguese caravels put to sea from Lisbon. Taking advantage of the same favorable wind as Magellan’s fleet but ...

Why I Am Now Relaxed About Releasing Buggy Software

10 months ago

I am a perfectionist by nature. Releasing software in to the wild that has imperfections annoys me. For that matter, doing anything that is imperfect annoys me. Thankfully, there is this little thi…

Microsoft at Work

11 months ago

>>> 2024-04-26 microsoft at work (PDF) I haven't written anything for a bit. I'm not apologizing, because y'all don't pay me enough to apologize, but I do feel a little bad. Part of it is just that I've been busy, with work and travel and events. Part of it is that I've embarked on a couple of writi...

Janky Apple ID Security

11 months ago

I had another instance of my Apple ID mysteriously being locked. First, my iPhone wanted me to enter the password again, which I thought was the “normal” thing it has done every few months, almost since I got it. But after doing so it said that my account was locked.

Crafting Interpreters: 640 Pages in 15 Months

11 months ago

640 Pages in 15 Months ↩ ↪ July 29, 2021 book design language personal My book Crafting Interpreters on programming languages is done. OK, OK. I know I said it was done like fifteen months ago. But now it’s really done. And by that I mean, the print, e-book and PDF versions are done. You can buy it....

Laws of Software Evolution

11 months ago

Laws of Software Evolution by kqr , published 2024-03-25 Tags: design management organisations product_development Andrew Kelly has written a thoughtful article on why we can’t have nice software. He acknowledges that software often gets continuous maintenance, and notes that this is curious, since ...

How I search in 2024

11 months ago

We are now in a very weird liminal space in information retrieval for consumers, particularly those attuned to trends in search and working on the bleeding...

3 years of fulltime Rust game development, and why we're leaving Rust behind

11 months ago

Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years Once you get good at Rust all of these problems will go away Rust being great at big refactorings solves a largely self-inflicted issues with the borrow checker Indirection only solves some problems, and always at the cost of dev ergonomics ECS solves the wrong kin...

What We Train Our Brains For

11 months ago

This is a bit of a continuation of my last post about burnout, or at least a tangent. I have no tech news to share right now nor any startup tips, so this is what you get :) A thought I had a bit, well, for a long time, was what were the occupational hazards of computing, tech, and to a lesser exten...


The Universe as a Computer

11 months ago

John Archibald Wheeler is a bit of a hero for me (and also, like all good hero’s a bit of a villain). Discovering his paper “It from Bit” was definitely a huge inspiration for me …

The baffling intelligence of a single cell: The story of E. coli chemotaxis

1 year ago

I want to tell the story of a beautiful phenomenon in biology. In some sense it’s the prototype of much of the activity of life. The phenomenon is the way in which an individual cell of E. coli forages for nutrients. This process, known as “chemotaxis”—the “chemo-” for chemical and the “taxis” from ...


Focus by Automation

1 year ago

Focus by Automation Automation Programming Emacs Vim Posted on 2024-03-19 Contents Automation &#x1f916; Focus &#x1f50d; Distractions ⚡ Organization &#x1f4d3; The value of mastery &#x1f9d9; Braaains &#x1f9e0; Footnotes Automation &#x1f916; I’ve invested leisure time to save time when I’m working hard...

20 Years of "Not Even Wrong"

1 year ago

The first entry on this blog was 20 years ago yesterday, first substantive one was 20 years ago tomorrow (first one that drew attacks on me as an incompetent was two days later). Back when I started this up, blogging was all the rage, and lots of other blogs about fundamental physics were starting a...