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How America Fell in Love with Helen Gibson, the Pioneer of Action Movies

24 days ago

The moment “A Test of Courage” was released, America fell in love with Helen Gibson. Critics loved the new star of The Hazards of Helen and had effusive praise for her performance. Motion Picture News reported that “Miss Gibson, by exhibition of unusual feminine daring”…”gives foretaste of excitemen...

Rhythm in Storytelling

2 months ago

I came to writing novels late in life but I was born to be a storyteller. It came naturally. I’m an enrolled member of the Kiowa Tribe, known as the Orators of the Plains. Like most Plains Indian Tribes, the Kiowa did not have books documenting our history, legends or important events. Instead, we h...

The Best Historical Fiction of 2024

3 months ago

While good historical fiction is never comforting, this year has made the lessons and parallels from history more abundantly clear than ever before. Paradoxically, this year’s best historicals are set further back in history than in previous lists, cutting off after the 1950s. It’s perhaps no surpri...

The Mystery of Wallis Simpson’s Visit to Shanghai and Her Search for the Elusive “Hurry-Up” Divorce

4 months ago

Seeking the Pearl of the Orient What would have impressed Wallis Simpson on her arrival in Shanghai, as it did most visitors, was its modernity. In 1924, the International Settlement (largely run by the British) and the adjacent French Concession were significantly more developed than Canton, while ...

10 New Books Coming Out This Week

6 months ago

Another week, another batch of books for your TBR pile. Happy reading, folks. * Nicholas Meyer, Sherlock Holmes and the Telegram from Hell (Mysterious Press) “Nicholas Meyer’s stirring tale of the turning point of the Great War reveals the pivotal roles of Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson. ...

How Gore Vidal’s 1968 Blockbuster Novel About a Trans Woman Took Aim at the Patriarchy

7 months ago

Gore Vidal was intellectual culture’s reigning champion of social liberalism and secular advocacy for decades. His famous wit indicates that he would appreciate the irony of someone awarding him the title of “prophet,” but it was well-earned. His series of novels chronicling American history act as ...

Mrs. Mandelbaum: The Woman Who Organized 19th Century New York’s Criminal Underworld

8 months ago

New York, July 22, 1884 They were detectives, accustomed to plunder, But they’d never seen anything like this. It had taken some doing to open the safe. After bursting into the modest haberdashery shop on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, they’d demanded the keys from the shopkeeper, Fredericka Mandelbau...

I Come From a Long Line of Criminals

8 months ago

“Going down the steps with a gun in his hands” Our family’s criminal history used to be a secret. Before Google, it was easy to hide your past. When my grandmother Effie Satterwhite was 17, she had a boyfriend named Jim. According to her brother’s court testimony, he once caught them “conducting the...

A Brief History of Bedlam Hospital

8 months ago

The third book of my ‘Hooke & Hunt’ series, The Bedlam Cadaver, includes a building designed by Robert Hooke. And, indeed, includes the shortened version of its name in the title. The Priory of the New Order of our Lady of Bethlehem was founded in 1247, its main purpose to collect alms to support th...

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