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Latest results for "programming"

Top-Down Imperative Clojure Architectures

5 days ago

When I first became interested in functional programming, a more experienced engineer told me: “you know functional programming doesn’t really amount to much more than procedural programming.” As I insisted on the benefits of map, filter and reduce, he simply shook his head. “You’re thinking in the ...

Passing the Vavr Torch

6 days ago

Dear Vavr Community, it is with a mix of nostalgia and excitement that I write to you today. After years of developing and maintaining Vavr, our beloved functional programming library for Java, I have made the significant decision to transfer the ownership of the project to a new maintainer.

Developer Diary, Queen Yun

12 days ago

Catfish Entropy Arbitrage Indie Web Adjacency Tables of Contents Direct Linking Entropy Arbitrage…but the Posts, Now The Light’s Edge Fictopedia Archive Next Today Koreans (often?) observe the birthday of Deposed Queen Yun, whose murder caused turmoil that included the first literati purges. And yes...

Heptathlon 7

12 days ago

Seven notes on what's keeping me busy this week. One for each day. Being a developer means you need to handle errors well. Programming languages constantly communicate your mistakes back to you. There are no mitigating circumstances. Those unforgiving red lines of text are direct and right in your f...

TCM Summer Under the Stars 2024

18 days ago

Turner Classic Movie has released its schedule for the 2024 edition of Summer Under the Stars. For those who are unfamiliar with TCM Summer Under the Stars, it is a programming block takes place every August on TCM in which each day is devoted to a classic star. Many fans look forward to Summer Unde...

Let over Lambda

22 days ago

Let over Lambda Doug Hoyte. Let over Lambda. HCSW and Hoytech. ISBN 978-1-4357-1275-1. 2008. A gloriously opinionated (in the best way) take on Lisp macro programming. The author treats Lisp – one of the first languages – as the ultimate, final language to which all others can (and should) be transl...

On Lisp

22 days ago

On Lisp Paul Graham. On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-030552-9. 1993. An ideal world is left as an exercise to the reader. One of the most famous advanced treatments of Lisp. Essentially it's a book in two parts. The first deals with the traditional advanced top...


25 days ago

To test-first or not to test, that is the question. ―William Shakespeare Intro Test Driven Development, or TDD, came up as part of Extreme Programming (XP) around the year 2000. The idea behind TDD is simple: first, you write a test. Then, you write the code to make that test pass. This process is s...

Quoting Evan Hahn

26 days ago

When presented with a difficult task, I ask myself: “what if I didn’t do this at all?”. Most of the time, this is a stupid question, and I have to do the thing. But ~5% of the time, I realize that I can completely skip some work. — Evan Hahn

Senyawa – Vajranala

26 days ago

Senyawa Vajranala Indonesian duo find new kinds of heaviness Vajranala by Senyawa Over the past two months, I have attended two festivals whose starting point is metal music: Roadburn in Tilburg and Mystic Festival in Gdańsk. Although they differ in their approach to programming, what I found most i...

Ep 118: Pure Parts

1 month ago

Each week, we discuss a different topic about Clojure and functional programming. If you have a question or topic you'd like us to discuss, tweet @clojuredesign, send an email to feedback@clojuredesign.club, or join the #clojuredesign-podcast channel on the Clojurians Slack. This week, the topic is:...

1 month ago

CSS Meditation #2: Who gives a flying frick what constitutes a “programming” language.… originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.


Developer Diary, Inti Raymi

1 month ago

In the remnants of the Incan Empire, the (approximate) winter solstice—summer, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere—such as today, marks the new year and festival celebrating their Sun god, Inti Raymi. Today, a minority of Peruvians celebrate the festival as more of a historical artifact.

Python packages I love

1 month ago

Every so often, I find a Python package that effectively solves a programming problem, or makes the experience of writing programs more delightful. Those tools become part of my repertoire of tools for writing new programs. For example, when I learned about tqdm, a status bar package, that became my...

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