Go, the greatest teaching language?
I’m not really a fan of shims—code that automatically performs actions as a side effect or intercepts actions when you use the shell or when a prompt runs. That’s mainly why I’ve stayed away from tools like asdf or pyenv, and instead stick to apt or brew for managing my binary installs, depending on...
There’s an old trope that when a software developer writes a new blog post, they first rewrite their whole website from scratch. It’s not completely untrue either: some people blog so rarely that when they decide to get back into blogging, they want to remake their site, then publish that one post a...
Issue #163 of Arne’s Weekly
Photo by Michelle Ding on Unsplash Thanks to Omakub I got introduced to Zellij: Zellij is a terminal workspace. It has the base functionality of a terminal multiplexer (similar to tmux or `screen) but includes many built-in features that would allow users to extend it and create their own personaliz...
Here’s a bit of lingo that I learned working at Zed: shredding.
Web developers often need to fill in forms over and over again as we develop websites and applications that are built around those forms. Not only is it boring but that boredom can lead to us entering silly or funny entries that can sometimes accidentally leak during demos or screenshots or database...
Issue #162 of Arne’s Weekly
Interesting & joyful things from the previous week
I spent the evening watching this incredibly grokkable talk on event-driven services by James Eastham at NDC London 2024. Below is a cleaned-up version of my notes. I highly recommend watching the full talk if you’re interested before reading this distillation. The curse of tightly coupled microserv...